


3 months, 13 days ago



Name Firmament
Gender Male
Rank Warrior
Clan Seaside clan


Firmament literally has a set of almost all positive qualities in character. He is very kind, sincerely tries to support everyone and help when possible. Sentimental, he can easily be moved by absolutely any petty situation that he considers touching. He is modest and trusting, trusting almost every fellow tribesman and even some barely familiar cats from other factions. Becomes quite obsessive due to fear of losing a cat close to him due to past experiences if he becomes attached to someone

At first glance he may seem quiet and uncommunicative, but this is not at all the case, he is very sociable and even loud in a fit of emotion if he opens up.

Among the negative qualities in his character, in addition to obsession, one can highlight his envy. However, he tries not to show it and does not wish anything bad for someone who does something better than him, unlike most envious cats. He appreciates and adores everyone who is at least somehow familiar with him, and even appreciates the share of attention that is given to him. So that they don’t feel negative towards him, he tries to adapt to everyone and be tolerant; this does not present difficulties for him. But at the same time, he has his own personal opinion and will defend it with all his might if any dispute arises.


Skykit was born into a complete, ordinary and unremarkable family, consisting of a mother, father and only brother. It could have been that he also had 2 sisters, but they died a few minutes after birth. The mother was kind, affectionate and gentle, constantly feeling sorry for her kittens, but the father, on the contrary, was stern, cold and strict, “molding” real ruthless warriors from the kittens. Therefore, due to the different characters of the children, they were raised mainly by different family members: the calm Skykit was raised mostly by his mother, and at that time the hyperactive and irrepressible brother Fluffkit was raised by his father.

This is why children later grew up with different moral values, behavior and other little things that build their personality. The kittenhood of Skykit and Fluffkit passed calmly and happily at a smooth pace, then in the family there were no major quarrels between the parents and dislike for each other. And so, both kittens have reached the minimum number of moons to become apprentice. Training for apprentice took place in different ways. Skypaw was smart and inquisitive, grasped absolutely all the information from his mentor on the fly, successfully completed most of the practices and eagerly prepared for the full life of a warrior. In general, a dream for absolutely all mentors.

But Fluffpaw had some problems with learning: he didn’t remember information from lessons very well, he remembered only the most important details. Fluffpaw was jealous of his brother that he could do almost everything within the framework of his training, but he could not do it very well. And both parents showed more attention to Skypaw, because he was a kind of excellent squire, unlike Fluffpaw, a “C” student. But Skypaw received attention only from his parents, because he was not noticed among his peers, because they considered him, roughly speaking, strange. Therefore, he was partly envious of Fluffypaw because he had a ton of friends and acquaintances because of his open character. Fluffpaw began to truly hate Skypaw.

Suddenly, at one fine moment, almost at the end of the training of both squires, a significant disaster occurred: their mother, Dove, was killed right in the tribe’s camp, but it is not known by whom exactly. Literally the entire Embankment tribe was looking for the culprit, because if he had already killed someone, it meant that he would kill someone else. Unfortunately, after a number of moons, the culprit was still not revealed, Skypaw was in despair, his only source of sincere love, warmth and support suddenly disappeared, he fell into a kind of apathy and hopelessness.

Fortunately, he had already completed his training a couple of moons ago, so all that remained was to wait for his early initiation into a warrior without worrying about the fact that, due to his involuntary reluctance to do anything, Skypaw would not be able to initiate and he would soon be expelled. And so, the time of initiation into warriors has finally come, Skypaw became a warrior and took the graceful and beautiful name - Firmament. But he was no longer particularly happy about the new position and opportunities, because his “depression” still had not gone away.

After the initiation, literally 2 moons later, most likely the father also died—he went missing and after this event no one learned anything new. Fluff, the former Fluffpaw, fell into madness and aggression towards all living things. Although his parents did not particularly love him, he loved them with all his heart and appreciated even his missing father, who treats him negligently and rudely. Because of his clouded mind, he believed that the Firmament was involved in this situation with the early death of his parents, although this was absolutely not the case. In the fit of a major quarrel between the brothers due to “the participation of the Firmament in the murder of the mother and the disappearance of the father” and some other grievances, Fluff, due to a nervous breakdown, slashed the Firmament on the bridge of the nose; he wanted to hit his eyes, but missed.

Immediately noticing this, the tribesman stopped Fluff, who was soon driven out due to several more serious violations of the tribe. And now, the moment came that the Firmament had been so afraid of throughout his entire life - he was left completely alone. Because of this and unexpected reversal of fate, the depression dragged on for another ten moons, the warrior became even quieter, withdrawn and uncommunicative, because he was sure that he would not surrender to anyone else anyway. The mother, by the way, was accidentally killed by Icy, the father of the kittens, during a deep conflict without distributing his blow force. After that, because of the guilt consuming him, he secretly self-exiled himself, without telling anyone anything.

Over time, the Firmament decided that things would not work out this way if he continued to be useless to the tribe and live in vain, so the warrior overpowered himself and began to socialize, be active in his native tribe and try to let go of the past. Soon he was able to leave all the problems and losses in the past and start a new, calm life.

Design Notes

  • From the shoulder to the very beginning of the tail, a large blue pattern seemed to “spill”, something very, very vaguely reminiscent of the furious bursts of waves.
  • On the muzzle you can see a blue spot under the left eye, and just below, on the bridge of the nose, there is a small but at the same time frightening scar—he got it from his half-brother.
  • Compared to others it is quite low. The warrior’s physique is compact and dense, with a wide chest like all representatives of the Embankment tribe, a rounded head on a slightly thin neck. It has muscular short legs with small feet.

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