Body Guard



3 months, 29 days ago


These two came to me in a dream and I just had to draw this out ;;

  • Version A - I saw in the dream right after the attack, still on the table. Honestly idr much and don't know if it was even part of the same dream or if Version A even lived, but I decided to put them together, at least for now, so it makes more since. (I say, as if I don't have a legit hand oc, but whatever lol)
  • Version B - Legit just what it is and provides very nice NSFW content. LOL He can put his own face on the built in screen, so it's not AS jarring as just talking to a disembodied arm. lol

  • Was already altered; Some kinda Cyborg/Android combo after, idk yet
  • Hired to escort a princess across space to her engagement
  • Lost his left arm and pelvis down in an attack against her
  • Stays instead his right arm until his body heals and can be fitted for robo legs

  • Maybe childhood friends? Maybe a royal knight before he lost his right arm and went into body guarding for the pay idk angst
  • very chill person; emotionally cut off because of his job but has always loved her?
  • honestly likes being just an arm better; compact/can hide easy and easy to fuck with people