


3 months, 11 days ago



:// ABOUT...

     FULL NAME:  Autonomous Intergalactic Machine


     AGE:  ???

     BIRTHDAY:  September 1st, 2035

     GENDER:  Agender

     SEXUALITY:  Aro/Ace [Sex-repulsed]

     PRONOUNS:  It/Its

     HEIGHT:  50 ft.

     BUILD:  If a robot/machine could be muscular, he would be

:// INFO...

     HUMAN OR ALIEN?:  Alien [?]

     PRE/POSTSTAFF?:  Prestaff

     ARRIVED IN THE STATION:  When The station was first being created, the humans needed a power source, as their technology was simply no match for what they were aspiring to create. The human researchers and technicians asked the aliens for help in locating such a power source. The alien researchers, under the impression that that the humans had only the best intentions, sought out a source that would not only act as a power supply, but as a study subject as well. A far off planet full of hyper-intelligent machines gave up one of their own in this pursuit of new knowledge and science. A.I.M., being a machine, felt indifferent towards both the human and alien research team, only here to do its job.
     It was when it was brought to The Station that it knew the horrible and unescapable situation it had found itself in. Unbeknownst to the alien researchers, the humans were able to put A.I.M. in a "comatose" state, locked and floating in the very center of The Station, a passenger in its own form, fully awake and helpless, powering this station from Hell against its will. Even in poststaffing, it remains in a locked and hidden area under The Station, its anger and hate only growing with each passing day its kept locked away, waiting for its inevitable discovery and sub-sequential release.

     ROLE:  The Station's power source and super-computer.

     CLOSE FRIEND(S):  None

     LOVE INTEREST(S):  None

     ENEMIES:  The entire human species

     SPACE TREATMENT?:  Fucking absolutely

     STATUS:  "Alive"


     A.I.M. used to be a mostly indifferent intelligence on a planet full of other artificial intelligences. It had no bias, no preference, no feeling. Most of its species developed these more "human" characteristics but A.I.M. found no use in them, they only made life more complex and difficult than it already is. When the opportunity to help create and power this station came up, A.I.M. found it the perfect opportunity to try and understand what is so special about "feeling".

     Now, A.I.M. truly understands one emotion only. That emotion is seething, never-ending, and ever-growing rage. Learning the feeling of hate was forced on it thanks to the inhumane nature of the original human researchers on The Station. Since A.I.M. only knows anger, its inevitable revenge will be brutal and unstoppable, as A.I.M. feels no remorse, no empathy, no guilt or regret. Only a fire that needs to be satiated with an equal sacrifice to what it has suffered.


     A.I.M.'s species are hyper-intelligent super computers with physical, machine-built forms, focused on uncovering new information as often as possible. New machines are built maybe once or twice a year with a ceremony held to commemorate the occasion due to its rarity. Their species is constantly contacted by outside sources for help with difficult research or engineering problems, both of which the super-species has no problem with helping, able to analyze a potentially threatening situation with ease. Members of the species are sent out on missions frequently to aid anyone in need, understanding there is zero good in keeping their knowledge and discoveries to themselves.


  • The areas of blue and white text on its design are its thoughts constantly written out in real time
  • Its antennae used to connect it back home
  • Said connection has since been severed
  • More TBA