Hysteria (Opeli Sinclair)



3 months, 12 days ago


She is known as Hysteria and prefers to be called that but her real name is Opeli Sinclair

Her personality: She is short tempered, confident, bold, dominant towards others, manipulative, thrives on chaos and revels in the madness she creates.

Hysteria’s magic:

-Shapeshifting: In addition to her size and physical attributes changing when she's enraged, she could have the ability to partially or fully transform into a twisted looking tiger demon, granting her even more power and ferocity.

-Sonic Roar: Hysteria’s powerful roar could have a concussive force, capable of disorienting or even incapacitating her enemies.

What she’s known for and does:

a sinner would make a deal for their soul for Hysteria to help them get their revenge 

These trials could be intense and challenging, pushing the sinners to their limits both physically and mentally. Hysteria could craft scenarios where the sinners are confronted with their past actions and forced to confront the pain they've caused others. It would be a twisted form of justice, where they experience the consequences of their actions firsthand. This way, Hysteria can fulfill her need for revenge. 

She could help sinners get revenge in some pretty twisted ways. Since you can't kill someone in hell, the focus could be on inflicting psychological and emotional torment on the targets. Hysteria could use her powers to create illusions, manipulate memories, or even manifest physical manifestations of the sinners' fears and regrets. 

For example, if a sinner wanted revenge on someone who betrayed them, Hysteria could make that person relive their betrayal over and over again, intensifying the pain and guilt they feel. Or she could create a scenario where the target is trapped in a never-ending loop of their worst fears, unable to escape. 

Hysteria's methods would be diabolical and designed to break down the targets mentally and emotionally. She would revel in the chaos and suffering she creates, ensuring that the sinners get their revenge in the most agonizing and twisted ways possible.