


3 months, 15 days ago


Don’t paint be black when I used to be golden,,

Shut Down

Noir ! Goes by He/Him


“I tried to help, but you wouldn’t listen.”

The more serious and somber of the two. His preferences often revolve around darker themes

Was personally trained by his father, wanting to live up to the name of his family’s legacy.

His mother could not take anymore of this needless violence in order to make a living, separating him from his twin brother at a young age; but they eventually get reunited once more later on. Funny how they both ended up doing the same job,, he almost didn’t recognize his brother at first. (Was he always so different?)


- He’s part of group of mercenaries along with his brother (others often calling them the BlackPink Twins)

- The only “softness” he has is for his twin brother, Pastel. (More like he tolerates him,, but hey! At least he cares)

- Affection is not his strong suit

- His fighting style screams elegance,, it’s almost like he’s putting on a show. Dancing around his enemies with such great precision

- Black,, the only color he really needs (other than red lol)

- Has quite the fondness for roses! His weaponry and suits often decorated with them

- The BP twins are known to be incredibly skilled among their peers

- He brings the beauty, while his brother brings the mess (together they create a beautiful mess)