tbn's Comments

aAaa I love them 😭

perhaps anyone here for the silly?,,,,,

OMGG i really love this guyty….. https://toyhou.se/26284936.idiot

could trade them! :o

awesome!! i’ll send em over then:))

pending, tysm! ^^

wanted to offer if possible!!!

I have things over here I can offer, the folders are correctly labeled with worths and dividend in humanoids and anthros/ferals:


(Sorry if you received this message before, I'm not a bot, I just use the same message cuz its easier for me)

ooooooooo i’m very interested in this little guy👀 i can offer art or a custom if you think that would be more fair! https://toyhou.se/5376693.alec i was also wondering about the tos for owning the character if you have one? just because i wanted to know if i can give them an outfit lolol🎷🐛

There are no tos attached to the character, dw! And I'd take art as an add on 

awesome! just lmk what you’d like and the character in such! (like halfbody or full and how many pieces) you can send it through dms or here in comments :) 

I'd take a full of this guy if you're okay with it


I could also take just art if you're willing? But we'd have to move to discord 

i’m fine with doing a just art! but just making sure- this means your no longer interested in the adopt? (i’m just a little confused lolol) also my discord is weeqluo 🎷🐛