Hey! how much would each of these guys be? and how much for them all together?




Would you be willing to do 25$ for all?

hellooo interested in QUITE A FEW pretty fellas:
was wondering how much you're looking for for all of these & if a little discount is possible 👉👈 i have so many ideas for these

yes of course, would you be down to about 80$ for all ?

YESSS i love them all omg ill message you

Hello! Would You take offers lower than 55 for this guy? https://toyhou.se/21555361.dennis

Yes of course! How much are you thinking about :o

Would you consider like 20?(I like to start low)

hmmm would you dooo about 35$?

What about 30?

can do! are you able to send the money to https://ko-fi.com/starkrawler or would you like to do it in paypal :o

4 Replies

I can offer 5$ on https://toyhou.se/23082177.creature

if ur accepting paypal 

Sorry also gunna offer on https://toyhou.se/3545804.shark aswell can offer 10$

ohh im not sure about this one would you do 15$?

Yes, I’ll send 20$ for both! 

could do! are you able to pay in https://ko-fi.com/starkrawler? if not feel free to dm me for paypal


thank you!! sent you all the babies

Hey, hope youre doing okay I always get worried/sad when people leave social media :) 

anyways, how about $10 for https://toyhou.se/17848419.duncan if not willing to talk Abt it more

could do that!! feel free to send it to https://ko-fi.com/starkrawler and ill transfer them to you asap :)


transferred! thank you so much

Hello! how are you? Do you accept trade for this character? https://toyhou.se/5539406.chaser

Depends on your offer :o

you got some very awesome designs!!! but sadly didnt see anyone id use more than Chaser ;v;

Oh honey, no problem! What were you looking for to get an idea?

mostly just usd since ive left social media

2 Replies

Hi! Would you take 40 for Liquor?

someone is supposed to send payment for them but ill lyk if they drop or not :')

omg sorry i didnt realize! thanks for letting me know :)

the person ended up paying for em its @loutes :)

for pistachio around 30$ and for cool man could do around 20$

can i pay $50 for them both?

sure! feel free to send it at https://ko-fi.com/starkrawler and ill send them to you asap <3


How much would https://toyhou.se/3545804.shark be

About 10-15$ :o

heya! how much would you take for https://toyhou.se/16256852.britney ?

Aroundd 30$

How much would you want for the rainbow tiger? https://toyhou.se/18268345.rainbow-tiger

no idea tbh feel free to offer!

How about $15?

Would you be able to do 20$ for them?


feel free to send the money here https://ko-fi.com/starkrawler and ill send them to you asap!!!

3 Replies

How much for liquor !!

around 40$ ;v;

For https://toyhou.se/13883378.liquor what is the lowest you would take :0

probablyy 40$ :o

Hihi, definitely interested in https://toyhou.se/16149600.dior!     

id take 20$ for them :o

That works for me! :D

Just to ask also (I’m not super familiar with TH yet XD;;) when I click any of the imgs on his profile either on my phone or desktop this shows up:

Is that just a viewing permission related thing or are the files just not loading for some reason? (I just want to make sure I’ll be able to view/save them when I buy him!) 

Oh I think it has something to do with the watermark I'll try to fix it rn!!

Ahhh okay! :3

Please feel free to DM me your PayPal/preferred payment method when you're able and I can send the payment ASAP. ^^

DM'd you!

dennis is worth 55$, second one i could do for as much as you offer,liquorr id let go for 35-40$? i love the last one a lot :(

Hiya! How much for this guy https://toyhou.se/8594022.tbn

im not suree but offer and ill lyk :)

Do u accept mixed offers? ^^

dependss since im leaving online but youre more than welcome to try

Can I offer $7 and art? 

sure! ill send a dm

Can I offer 2 fullbodies, 3 animated icons and one wiggle fullbody for em?

I love the design and I would Definetly use em for a story I’m making!

sadly i dont take art atm :(

Then what do you take? :0

I’ll do anything to get that dude..

money offers mainly

Do you also take customs and OC trades-?
I have no money on me..

could probablyy do ocs

12 Replies

What would the lowest price be for https://toyhou.se/9920584.alice ?

(sending a new message sorry for spam) her worth is 17$ but i could probably do 15$


Could i get them for a week hold ? 

sure but please let me know if you wanna cancel beforehand ;v;

Ofc ^^

Ill upd you!

helloo just checking if youre still interested