


1 month, 25 days ago

Basic Info

Voice claim

Kyu from Huniepop


Placeholder profile


Basic information

  • Pronouns: She/Her
  • Age: Adult
  • Gender: Female
  • Orientation: N/A
  • Species: BNNUY02
  • Voice claim: Name - Source
  • Theme song: Name - Artist

Quick description

The box grows as you type!

A receptionist at a small time inn in the Burrows. Friends with Amelie and working on helping her boss start a new chain within the Core to cater to bnnuys. So she works as a receptionist at a small inn in the burrows (idk maybe in spring somewhere) Once more woos started coming over she thought 'Oh this could be a good business opportunity', and started advertising in the core The owner loved her campaign idea so much (and all the new business that came with it), so he sent her off again to research the core and started making plans to build a new inn in the core that catered to bunns While in the core she met the lovely Amelié, a concierge at a large chain of hotels in the core, and once she learned about why she was there, Amelié took her under her wing and helped her learn the craft of good hotel and customer service Now the two are best of friends and (despite being on separate sides of the gate) the two chat with each other on the daily and love gossiping about their customers, mainly the bad ones. Imagine being so horrible thay you get banned from hotels on both side of the gate. Cant be me This gal is heavy into gossip. She loves sipping tea and knowing all the petty drama going on in her area. Also somehow knows about things going on in the core, much to Amelié's surprise. 'She doesn't talk to anyone else in the core how did she hear about that?'

Quick links

Key symbols:

  • Romantic
  • Platonic
  • Familial
  • Hateful/negative