


1 month, 29 days ago


The Broken

Name Rhissia Canwald

Called Rhissia, Rhis

Age 22

D.o.B. 10/30

Gender Female

Pronouns She/Her

Race Human

Role Wizard Student

Demeanor Uneasy

Sign Scorpio

Element Water

Gemstone Opal

Designer LadyIllusia

HTML Pinky

Song Name



Rhissia was born in a small village outside of the the Republic of Itholis, to normal parents. Her mother was a sweet woman who took care of the homestead while her husband was the towns baker. By all accounts, a very normal life for the young girl. As she grew, and her thirst for knowledge grew, Rhissia and her parents found she had a rather surprising aptitude of magic! In their village, there wasn't really a way for her to learn magic and after going through all the books in their modest library, her parents surprised her with an education at a school within the walls of the Republic.

Rhissia excelled in school! She was no prodigy, but her teachers knew her by name. They had much to teach her and she had much to learn, but her inquisitive nature got the best of her when she traveled too deep into the library and found the forbbiden tomes. A rather extensive collection of magical books that had been compiled by the Republic over the years of its existence. While searching for new spells to learn, something whispered to her. She could hear many small voices talking and followed them to a thick, old, musty tome. Picking it up off the shelf, the cover was emblazoned with a black widow spider covering the front as if grasping it within all eight legs.

Running her fingers across the spider, she noticed the legs wiggle as if it were alive! Without thinking, Rhissia opened the tome - all light instantly being extinguished. In the darkness her fingers turned to a chapter in the book; Summoning, and as if her voice wasn't her own, began speaking the incantation. One by one, massive, hairy, spider legs began to jut out from the page and pull itself free, and just as the eight eyed, fanged face began to emerge- she slammed the book close. Regaining control of herself, she screamed as it lunged at her just as she stopped chanting and sealed the tome again. Pushing herself away from the shelf and the book, she covered her face as blood began to pour from it. What had she done? Looking at her hand, now covered in blood, she turned her gaze to the tome and felt a power pull her towards it once again.


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