Sim's Comments

would anyone in my purge nfolder interest u for them?
i can also offer art, maybe 2 fullbodies to start off? examples:

I would love 2 fbs!! ^_^

could u do these guys ? ā€” ,

absolute goobers!! i can do those guys for sure ;P any specific poses or expressions youd prefer? :O

Nope!! u have complete creative control!! Go bananas šŸŒ !!

you got it :saluting_face: ill get to work on these tonight !

i have sketches!!! i will send them when i get.home!!

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Would anyone from my Up for offers + Limbo folders interest you? ^^

What are you wanting for them?Ā 

I can do an animation and some customs!

Oh my gosh they are so cool!! Iā€™d love to offer a shaded fb or something for em <33

Sorry Nty!!