Hi, I'm interested in Hyacinth, i really dig their design and think they would fit in neatly with my crew of space outlaws as an mechanic. Be the quick witted crafty type that excels at problem solving, be it if that means crafty tinkering or blowing things up. They would mostly be with The Captain, The head engineer & The lacky as terms of direct interactions. 

I appreciate the opportunity and consideration! 

sounds fun, they're all yours! transferring them over to you :3

Thanks a lot! 

I really like Amnesia!!!

I’d probably use them in my superhero story, basically it’s like MHA but the teens are imprisoned for their abilities and they wanna escape just to have a regular lives

I think their role would be in the Act 3 of sorts, where the MC is alerted that there’s a secret facility with more super powered kids being hidden from the world. They’d be one of two kids desperately reaching out in order to escape, knowing others are free and wanting to escape the facility hidden under the ocean to see the sun again. Their powers would probably involve using their eyes to see through others view/see people’s potential, and when they see the MCs potential it’s like woah you can totally save us :00

I've transferred them over to you, hope you use them well! :3

I’m gonna try writing for Atticus (TBN)!

They would actually be a sort of little sibling figure for my oc Atticus. They would reside in my fantasy world (Owls and Pines.)I don’t know, just going off their design I can see them being a child assassin, and it’s all they know. They would probably run into Atticus while he’s on an expedition with his guild, and they would try fighting him but he would just walk away. I can see them being fierce yet sort of shy and timid, but chaotic when they open up to people. My fantasy world has two main guilds, the “good” one being to morningglory guild and the bad being the nightshade guild. This oc would be a part of the nightshade guild originally, and they were raised to be an assassin. But Atticus takes them in as sort of a little sibling and transfers them over to the morningglory guild. This caused some tension between the guilds. I can see this oc being really into puzzles and brain games, a pretty smart kid! They also probably love being cozy and having blankets! 

Thanks for the chance! 

interesting storyline, hope you like them! i've transferred them over to you :3 I'd like to claim them! Thinking lore for them,... I want to put them in my chaotic world full of free adopts!

Melon, a restaurant owner with regulars that are a bit odd and quirky... Maybe they're a little evil too [in an organization] They know what's going on but they keep their mouth shut. They see the detective, chatting about being able to finally catch one of them... and the next day, they see a member of the organization? They just keep their mouth closed since it is an entertaining sight that they wouldn't want to get involved in yet involved enough to watch by the side. 

- That's all I got! Maybe I can cook up a bit more... But the world isn't fully built yet :c

Hi I wanna try writing for this kiddo because I really like their design and I could imagine them being in my Pantheon and I'd probably call them Lunar if I get them.
Lunar is the god of Youth and Growth. They are one of the first gods to exist and despite their childish nature they are still quite mature and have grown a lot over the years for better or for worse. After the somewhat recent disappearance of the goddess of Memory and Nostalgia they have been working tirelessly to try and find her as they believe that memories and nostalgia are a major part of growing and worry for mortals who will not have the opportunity of looking back at their childhoods.

sounds like a fun story! transferring them over to you :3

Thank you so much!

Sorry, I didn't see anyone! :(

U can also look in this th but im really tent on most

The only one i really saw was this one in unsorted, but I'd be willing to trade multiple for that one. If you're tent on them i understand though! :0

Who would you trade for them?

probably either gura+dahlia+lemonade (3 chars) or connie/oven+one of your choice (2 chars), feel free to negotiate btw 

3 Replies