
3 months, 28 days ago


Lv. 39
wigglytuff.png #040 - Wigglytuff Normal Fairy
HP 164 Speed 46
Attack 65 Defense 46
Sp. Atk 69 Sp. Def 55
Careful nature. Alert to sounds.
Ability: Competitive Held Item: None
Disable Normal
Status - Power: -- - Accuracy: 100%
For four turns, the target will be unable to use whichever move it last used.
Disarming Voice Fairy
Special - Power: 40 - Accuracy: --%
Letting out a charming cry, the user does emotional damage to opposing Pokémon. This attack never misses.
Hyper Voice Normal
Special - Power: 90 - Accuracy: 100%
The user attacks by letting loose a horribly loud, resounding cry.
Double-Edge Normal
Physical - Power: 120 - Accuracy: 100%
A reckless life-risking tackle in which the user rushes the target. This also damages the user quite a lot.

Let's all take a moment to relax, okay?

When Rosie initially signed onto the guard at the Tides of the Moon settlement, she was initially thought of as too soft, too kind to do a job like that. However, it was found that she is actually quite the asset to the team- while everyone else works just as hard as she does, if not a little harder, Rosie's specialty is soothing her fellow guards and making sure they're able to perform their duties at their highest capability. The way she does this can easily be guessed, but in case you don't know, she sings! Her singing voice puts those around her at ease, and it's something that is deeply appreciated.

Rosie grew up in the Tides of the Moon settlement, initially dreaming of helping out at the daycare. However, as she grew up, she realized that while the daycare was her dream, she knew it would be important to protect her family and her god no matter what, as well as make sure that the guards were well cared for too.. So while she still volunteers at the daycare while she can, she uses her talents to soothe her comrades and is capable of doing incredible damage to outlaws who try to attack the settlement with them.