


3 months, 1 day ago


drew him for a late night doodle and ppl rly liked him so like why not get made in2 an oc boy

knows izzy and nikita idk how yet . emos all know each other

hes probably later 20s

part of a local noisecore band w its friends called smth like PLANET RAWRX3 under the pseudonym 'ROM3O'. he makes music mostly for the joy of it rather than wanting it to sound good. they dont play shows or anything they just post on bandcamp and stuff

he cuts his own hair so its kind of bad

types in all caps. pretty good handle on leetspeak

all the text and pics on it r tattoos and fur dye, not markings. they can switch up a lot; the dye is temporary. the scars r actually part of their body tho obviously, they do not changeĀ 

in his 'real' life he struggles with holding down a job (he often can come off as very strange and confrontational) rn hes a janitor at a mall

autistic & dyslexic