


2 months, 19 days ago


First Name: Erizon 

Last Name: Zokai

Nickname: Eriz, Zonny, Cucumber Man, Dumbass Friend

Gender: Male

Age: 32

Species: Alien

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual 

Birthday: May 4th

Voice Claim: Patrick Seitz, as Nekomaru Nedai in Super Danganronpa 2. (

Eye Color: Magenta

Hair Color: Green

Skin tone: Green part 2

Height: 8’10

Weight: 520 lbs (It multiples by 3 when his body is metal. but that's too big of a number for him. And me.)

Powers/Abilities: Super Strength, Speed, Durability, yatta yatta but the ACTUALLY important stuff is 

Ferrumatize - Whenever Erizon’s body experiences physical or magical pain, the metal on his neck to torso spreads to the entirety of his body, multiple his already high strength and disability, along with giving him the ability to erupt metal spikes from the earth. 

Zeus’s Flash - This allows Erizon to summon down lightning bolts from either the heavens, or just make them in his hands and…yeah he just full on grabs and throws them like a javelin at people. When mixed with Ferrumatize, this gives him a massive boost in power, more than what they could do on their own.

Weapons: His BIG ASS HANDS. 

Favorite Food(s): Frog Legs

Favorite Drink(s): Monster energy drinks

Favorite Color(s): Surprisingly, not green. (It's yellow.)

Favorite Season(s): Summer

Favorite Holiday(s): 4th of July

Fear: The ocean

Five Fun Facts

1. He gained the strength to punch mountains to dust, and throw entire skyscrapers by…working at Waffle House. 

2. He is actually a very good and skilled part time actor, starring in mostly dead serious, heavy movies that…don't match his personality at all.

3. The leather jacket he wears has the words “Reign Of Thunder” on the back of it.

4. His favorite movie is Hercules, and if you watch it with him, he WILL make you replay the “HE HURLED HIS THUNDERBOLT!” segment of The Gospel Truth at least twice.

5. He tried flying on a plane once. He got to ride it despite the metal detectors going off because they were literally incapable of escorting him out. 

Personality: Erizon is a big dumb, cheeky goof who loves to tease his friends and mess with his enemies. He’s short tempered, but quick to defend an ally whenever necessary…if he's paying attention, as he would definitely spend time doing something he would consider fun. The best way to describe this alien is…okay, he's an himbo. He's very childish, treating most dangerous and serious moments like a game, as well as being oblivious since he doesn't understand whenever he's being annoying. He doesn't think twice about his choices, and just…does them with the biggest amount of impulsiveness imaginable, leading him to do very destructive actions that he views as “fun.” However, he is a very loyal and trustworthy ally to the very few who can actually deal with him, and is quick to encourage his friends…despite him unintentionally humiliating them at times.

Alignment: Neutral

Backstory: Erizon Zokai, a young man born and raised on a distant planet, where parents normally send their children out into the real world at a young age depending on if they were born with a magical ability to defend themselves or not, as by law made by their planet’s higher ups. For Erizon, when he found out he was born with the ability to have his body shift into an iron coating as a response to physical or magical pain, he was sent out at the ripe age to face the wild. 11 years old. This means the boy was lacking a very large amount of learning and guidance. Constantly searching for…something to do, as he was constantly bored and confused with his life. From childhood to early adulthood, he didn't exactly have much to do, as his species wasn't as intelligent as most other alien species, but was capable of two things. Creating a monarchy, and creating high speed, long distance space travel. The decisions of their monarchy weren't exactly the best, as many misfits and rebels were made due to these laws, but nobody, not even the more rough people made BY these laws actually ever opposed these laws directly because they were smart enough to NEVER challenge their god-like king, capable of conjuring down bolts from the heavens to strike those who rise up him. Good thing Erizon never heard of laws. Including breaking and entering. Erizon somehow snuck his way into the castle, getting distracted by all the amazing things found within it’s walls, and found a spaceship. He thought that if he could get in and actually pilot it, he could finally find something fun to do! Unfortunately, he forgot he is in the home of royalty, and forgot to actually sneak around, and just jumped in without a second thought. The moment anybody noticed, the green 21 year old was already halfway across space pressing random buttons. This led to a large portion of the royal army to chase him down, including the king himself. And Erizon…wasn't aware of any of this, he was just flying around having fun. But, he eventually noticed when the king himself smited down the ship with his arcane lightning. The moment the lightning strikes, Ferrumatize activates as his body hardened with the ethereal metal. The ship didn't survive the blast, however…Erizon did. The sensors couldn't detect any life force due to his body turning to metal. Coincidentally, he landed on a little unknown nice planet called Earth. (Poor guy.) His iron body was surging with the enchanted thunder, and was being super heated by the heat of falling to orbit. When he hit the earth, instead of worrying about this strange new world, he was way more focused on the fact that his body was channeling and conducting the electricity, giving him the ability of Zeus’s Flash. With a new land to discover, the alien becomes more nomadic as he wanders the Earth, trying to find fun challenges and games (unaware of how destructive his antics are) whenever he can. One of those was working at a brutally challenging fight club known as…Waffle House.

(shout out to my bro GaspSparda for helping me make this guy)