If they're still ufo i can offer $60

I’m down for that! I can take PayPal, Venmo or cashapp :3

I can do paypal! Do you do invoices?

I can do an invoice! I haven’t in awhile but I’m happy to

Sweet! My email is [email protected] ^^ and im only saying this cuz I've gotten comments about it recently but yes that is my real email lol

no worries I understand the email we all got our names and unique shit lmao

i sent the invoice!

my email is [email protected] and last name is Legg lmao

1 Replies

[EDIT: due to a different opportunity popping up for an expensive dreamie if mine, I have to back away from offering at the moment until extra side cash comes in. Keeping comment here so that it doesn't look sketchy if it had been deleted]

unsure if I read the minimum but i'll start a bid off at 20$ (paypal). Also regarding the mystery adopt, update me every so often so i know if there's any problems with them :D