


6 months, 21 days ago


about 15 feet tall, genderless, masculine presenting, he/they/it. a large mech that ended up on earth and instead of being attacked, they were welcomed by curious humans and invited into an idol band because the members thought his head fins looked like rabbit ears and were cute. he had never come in contact with another mech until he saw abraxas at a one of his shows, and eventually found and met the others such as mukade, eponym, and eraser. he has grown very close to abraxas and they are now romantic partners. he acts like a very large human and forgets he isnt one at some times, like trying to fit into buildings, hitting himself on something and saying ouch even tho it dosnt hurt, or "blinking" with his optic screens. hes very gentle and caring for humans and living things and likes to encourage and support fans and his fellow bandmembers. he can transform into a large DDR cabinet and he will rig the game to give players a good score if they are trying hard and having fun with each other. he likes cute things and wants to dress up but unfortunately nobody makes clothes in massive robot size so he settles with letting people apply stickers and tying ribbons to to his armor. he has quickly become friends with and gotten close to erasermotor maximum, a fellow arcade machine mech.