


3 months, 11 days ago


Name: Apricot
Age: 1.5 y.o
Gender: Male
Breed: Akita Inu X Mutt
Weight: 50ibs
Height: 65 CM

Faction: Farmsted
Notoriety Level: 1

Job: Plot Guardian

Council Rank:

Positive : Loyal, Courageous, Passionate, Optimistic,
Apricot is a loyal & optimistic individual with a deep rooted passion for his job. His dedication to protecting those within his care on the farmstead is done so with unwavering resolve, determined to keep them all safe from whatever lurks in the darkness. Despite having bad days where not everything goes to plan or he’s in the wrong place at the wrong time, Apricot keeps an upbeat and positive outlook on the world, encouraging others around him to also stay hopeful. After all, tomorrow is another day. Given his job on the farm, Apricot’s ability to keep calm and his resilience in unfavourable situations has made him quite the valued farm member. Apricot likes to ensure every bond he forms is meaningful and brings a sense of security, hoping they take away the knowledge that he is there with unwavering support and understanding.

Neutral : Focused, Demanding, Confident, Disciplined.
Adhering to the strict rules of his farm, Apricot is not easily swayed from his path of discipline and expects those around him to hold themselves to the same level. Farm dogs have no need to be chasing chickens in their coops or hounding cattle for fun after all! Apricot maintains a constant level of focus, constantly absorbing information for quick thinking and reaction times when things go south. He can be rather demanding when it comes to those he works with, having high expectations of not only himself but others too, pushing those around him to improve. Apricot inspires safety and trust from those on his farm, it can also seem a little arrogant to others. Confident in his abilities and senses, Apricot has good self-assurance and knows when he’s beat in a fight.

Negative : Stubborn, Overbearing, Insensitive,
Apricot can be somewhat stubborn and resistant to change when the question of his own beliefs and values are brought into the matter. This stubbornness can lead to conflict, especially with the other dogs on the farmstead and outsiders. He has a tendency to react on instinct over carefully considering all options. Whilst this impulsive reliance has led to him being able to ‘sense’ where he needs to protect, it has led to reckless behaviour, and makes it hard for him to help teach the youngsters on the farm. Meaning well most of the time, Apricot can come across as insensitive especially when he’s focused on his duty, he has a bit of a habit of stepping all over others emotions, prioritising the safety of the group over the individuals.

Backstory: Apricot was born and raised in a far of land of the rising sun, born to Sakura, a pure bred ginger Akita Inu & an unknown male stray. Sakura was a well trained, and wellbred guardian dog whose job was to protect her owners livestock from bears and wildboards. Little is known about Apricot’s father, he can vaguely remember stories his mother would tell him about the wild dog that lived in the mountains.

Apricot’s puphood was filled with absolute mischief and chaos and games with his brothers and sisters. They would charge about the farm unrestrained with only their mother’s barks and woofs to stop them.

From chasing chickens to annoying the cows and the pups were quite the rambunctious lot, until the day their mother would sit them down and explain that they were to be honourable working dogs. That their master, the human, would ask them to do things and they best learn quickly what it was they wanted.

Sakura would tell them that they were to guard the livestock as if they were their own blood. They must not chase them any longer, and they must learn to respect the lives of all living things.

It wasn’t long before his siblings started to gain their own homes, humans would come and pick them up before taking them away to their own families. At the time Apricot didn’t understand he would not see his family again and his puppyhood would come to a close.

Sakura would explain that his littermates had now gone to do their own jobs. Some would guard their own livestock like she did, others children from strangers and some would simply be pampered pets able to chase balls all day. All of these options were honourable and he should strive to do his very best at all of them.

By the end of their 15th week out of his 8 littermates only his sister remained on the farm with him. Sakura spent the next few months guiding and teaching her remaining two pups how to tend and care for the farm and it's animals. How to alert the human to danger and how to relax in the shade.

Apricot decided he wished to remain on a farm, protecting the livestock. This was what he enjoyed doing and was taught to do.

The peaceful days lasted until his 9 month and 2nd week alive, when a strange man and woman with a strange scent arrived at the farm. It was his turn to leave with his own family and commit to his job, whatever that might be.

Loaded into the back of a car, Apricot was excited to see what the next stage of his life would be, only he hated it. From the car to a cage, loaded into a metal monster's belly, into another car and into a strange new country.

Apricot’s new home was small, unglamorous and without livestock to chase. The next few months of life were miserable. First he got in trouble for chasing the large metal monsters that flew past at speed, he learned they were called cars from the local foxes and that they never came off the road. Then he was scolded for chasing the neighbour's cat from the garden. Apparently it was just bad manners. Barking at strangers coming to the door was also not allowed. And running? Forget about it. The strange collar on his neck meant he had to walk nicely at his owners feet whilst they strolled leisurely.

His paws longed for the soft grass under foot, to splash in the rice paddies and sleep in the shade listening to cicadas crying loudly. Apricot did not want to chase the ball in the park, or play with the children when they approached. Even his food was uninviting.

He found himself laid under the table staring out longingly into the garden most days. The jingle of his lead did not excite him, nor the squeaky toys they bought him. Until one day, a strange man came to the house.

His face ages with wrinkles in the corners of his eyes, strands of white in brown hair, he seemed kind. He smelt of chickens and cows and sheep. He smelt of every good thing Apricot had ever known, and he was excited. The man handed over money to the two owners before putting Apricot in the back of a van and driving out of the strange city.

Apricot was taken out to a farm where he’s lived ever since. Life felt complete once more, sleeping under the stars, mentored by an older dog he was given the role of guardian on the farm.

Group History:


Basic Description : > Apricot is a large, heavy build Akita Inu cross with striking red flame-like fur. He has large, brilliant amber coloured eyes with big friendly eyedots giving him a soft expression. He stands with proud and confident demeanour and his head always held high.