
5 years, 10 months ago



Age: 12

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Height: 3’5

Real name: ((???))

Sexuality: Heterosexual 

D.O.B: December 11th

Powers/Abilities: Peak human physical characteristics & abnormally sharp/durable fingernails, toe nails, and teeth.

Alignment: true neutral 

‣Attack potency: wall tier 

‣Destructive capacity: wall tier

‣Scab is-




»secretly caring«

»Straight forward«




»Scab doesn’t really have a real name, and was given the name ‘Scab’ by a close friend.

»Scab has many bruises, scrapes, and scabs. Especially on his torso, but he covers them up. He got them mostly from just getting into a lot of fights, and living in the wilderness.

»Scab doesn’t really know much about himself, or mankind. And is completely sheltered from it.

»Scab is very animalistic, and has been described as “gorilla-like”

»Scab is known to just randomly bite people. He also loves to pick fights with people bigger than him, mostly to prove himself.

»Scab is partially color blind. 

»Since Scab is so tiny (especially for his age) he gets tossed around a lot, and he’s never taken very seriously.


Scab’s origin is actually a little bit of mystery to him. He lives in a world populated with strange anthropomorphic animals/monsters. With him being pretty much the only human. That being the case, he’s kind of a loner, and doesn’t even know much about how or why he got to where he is. As far as he’s concerned he was born there somehow. He also got the scab in his left eye from a forest fire he accidentally started.

Scab mostly hides himself from the outside world, and doesn’t trust most people. It takes a while for him to open up. 

‣About powers/abilities

Scab doesn’t possess any actual powers or abilities. But instead, he is completely peak human. Meaning he is as strong, fast, durable, and agile as a human being can possibly be, And is comparable to an Olympic athlete. he can also leap very far and high and also possesses extremely high pain tolerance and endurance. Scab also has very sharp finger and toe nails that he mainly uses for scaling large objects like trees. Scab has been this way pretty much his whole life, mostly from just living in the wilderness. Also to compensate for his species’ lack of physical prowess.
