Mantisprowl's Comments

Hey there! I was SUPER interested in this character and would love to offer for them if that’s alright!

Everybody in my TH except for the “forever homed” folder is available, but just lmk if anybody interests you and we could work something out! ^^

If not, I can offer art as well!

ooo, I do prefer art! Would you be willing to do a simple headshot? Just lines and color, no need for shading!

Sure thing! Who would you like me to draw? ^^ Also I can do lineless or lines, up to you!

Anyone from this folder works, go ahead and do whoever interests you!! ^^^

And thank you so much! I don't mind either way (lines/no lines) so if you're in the mood for a certain style feel free!
I'll put this guy on hold for you!

Ok perfect!! Tysm!!

Hi there!! Just letting you know I should hopefully finish it up by today, thank you for waiting patiently!

Hey there! Update— just finished and submitted the art to you! ^^

I love it!!!! Tysm!!! I'll send them over now < 3