TBN's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

These rules apply to those who purchase my
products. Rules may be updated from time-to-time.
LAST UPDATE: 02/27/2024 ; 11:00AM

1. My designs may be re-sold, traded, or gifted. 
However, you are not allowed to sell for more than the original price. 
If it has commissioned artwork, you may then sell the
adopt for more according to the prices you got them for. Designs
received through a gift or trade may also be sold, following the
rules above.

2. You are allowed to make any changes. 
These include, but are not limited, to the following: colors,
gender, adding more or removing some of the details. As long as
the original design is still noticeable or attached as reference,
you are allowed to do any of these. Do not ever delete the
original adopt, even if you edit it.

3. Sale of designs are PERSONAL USE ONLY unless you
explicitly pay the COMMERCIAL FEE. Without rights
purchased, you are not allowed to use my art of the design for
profit in any way (includes using it as a vtuber/mascot). You do
not need to pay the commercial fee immediately. They may be
purchased later to all designs where the purchase of commercial
rights is made available in the original sales post.

3.5 They will be considered commercial use if you 
check any of the following:Will you be using the commission for financial gain? If yes,
it's probably commercial. (For Streamers) Are you asking for donations through an
external site? If yes, it's hazy, but you should assume that yes,
your stream is commercial.
— (For Streamers) Are you an affiliate or partner? If yes, your
streams have ads, and therefore your stream is commercial.
Will you be using your commission for merchandise, prints,
etc.? If yes, it's commercial.

4. Credits are a must.
satoruyuki Global Rules
These rules apply to those who purchase my products.
Rules may be updated from time-to-time.
