Places on Ulruna (Herrington, Swindon)



Herrington is basically the origin town of my story, Glass Ribbons (See character folder here).

Herrington is a rural, marshy and somewhat poor town in Swindon (See Ulruna territory #4, Swindon) with mostly ancient homes that was more populated in the early 1900s. It's not very well known but if it is, it's for its historical spot from where the Myleer Family circus tent fell in 1940 (See GR Timeline, year 1940). The spot is a memorial and also an educational spot about the tragic event from the year (A circus tent fell, many people including the ringmaster of the circus were killed.). The mayor of the town at the time saw it as a way to hopefully gain income for the town finally. It somewhat worked, but the town is still rundown. Even now the town's mayor is still trying to milk the historical place for money.