Corrin McCluffan



5 years, 10 months ago


Corrin is a former bounty hunter hailing from a land ruled by bounty hunters searching the world for artifacts known as "ancient technology", which when put together can create the Ancient Armor, an incredibly powerful armor which unfortunately drains away at your sanity. He and his brother, Coral McCluffan, had originally set out to gather the pieces and hide them away from the lustful eyes of other hunters. That was, until the armor was almost complete, missing only an ancient eye. Until then, Coral carried the other bits of ancient tech, since his ancient arm was the thing that pointed it all out. Then when it glowed again, it pointed right at Corrin, or more percisely, what was hidden under his eye patch. By Coral's demand, Corrin is forced to reveal that the last piece of ancient tech was hiding in his eye the whole time. He also begs his brother to not pursue the eye, as it is bound to his life: if it were ripped out of his eye socket, he would die. However, because of the armor, Corrin's words fall onto deaf ears, and Coral's motive changes from hiding the pieces to bringing them together; and in order to do that, he would have to rip out his own brother's eye, and in turn, kill him. A fight ensues, and to protect himself, Corrin kills his brother with a bullet through his brain.

Basic info:

5'11"/32/160 lbs./AB


-Due to the high value of his eye, and the betrayal by his brother to get it, Corrin is very distrusting and refuses to let himself get attached emotionally to anyone. That, and he always prepares for the worst, and comes across as paranoid.

-Despite having to kill Coral to save himself, Corrin still feels incredibly guilty for what happened to his brother, and feels he should've waited a bit longer before pulling out the firearm (a Desert Eagle)

-If you disarm him of his firearm, he's fucked. He can't do hand-to-hand combat to save his life, so he prefers to keep some distance and attack from afar.