


5 years, 8 months ago


Design by! Goremaw

Editing Help By! Lavi

Shisu Marisol Beliveau


Despite looking large from afar, Shisu is actually an average look, perhaps even smaller then average. Her thick, well-sprung chest and dense fur only make the illusion of a giant bear, but a better term would be a small bear, then an actual one. If one can overlook her mass of fur, underneath she has a rather lithe body-tone, she has a thin body that barely contains any muscle or fat. She is able to walk with elegance, each step taken with a delicacy, as each step barely makes a sound. Her frame is not large, she is simply overrun with the massive amount of fur she has. Though she does not hold her head high, Shisu gives a slight meek, but soft demeanor to others.

She contains a rather unusual set of colors, being a gray agouti with white, some may find her rather particular, and unnatural to be seen in certain parts. The lightest part of her is the white underbelly that leads to her muzzle, to the tip of her tail, otherwise the rest is a various shade of the beautiful gray agouti she bares. The lightest of the color surrounds her body, being seen on her leg, and the side of her body, but the top of her coat is the darkest of the color, leading a bit toward her tail, and a bit to her legs. The color has a Siamese point toward to her paws, a bit near her face. Otherwise her head is a lighter shade of the color, as it swirls to match it's darker points near Shisu's back. To top off her exquisite coloring, is her alluring light, almost cloud-like blue eyes that has a soft warmth to them.


[ Kind, Warm, Selflessness, Spiritual, Perceptive, Hushed, Delicate, Gullible ]

Most wolves immediate thought on her is; quiet. She has sometimes feels too nervous to speak with strangers, and even if she manages to gather the nerves, Shisu always has the most respectable tone, regardless of who it is. She simply doesn't know what the right words to say, as she is afraid to upset others and to hit nerves. She always carries a soft and warm tone, especially toward the younger generation. The gray agouti female treats all how she wants to be treated- with love, respect, and warmth. She really does not want to harm anybody.

She does not like fights, and gets rather silent when there is hostility in the air, barely able to get in a word. Shisu is used to her words simply being swept away, making her a big push-over concerning certain topics. However, she will never do what she doesn't believe in, she will never harm another regardless of their intentions, even if it means she gets hurt in the process. She tends to put others first before herself, because the wolf really does enjoy to see others smile. Selfless, she has no impure thoughts of wanting to rise to a higher power, or topple someone else. The only thought in mind, is to have friends, and a family whom she can call her own.

One can call her a rather spiritual wolf, as she believes everything has it's own life, and everything has it's meaning. That's why she does not like to harm others- and has issues with hunting. Though, she understands it's what needs to be done to survive, and will always offer a short prayer to their passing. Shisu believes all life- including nature, deserves its respect, and often gives it thanks to what she has. Her eyes often linger toward the stars, not many know what she thinks- whether it's a prayer to what is above, or enjoying it's beauty.

Shisu believes in divination, magic, and karma, she likes to read what is around to see the signs. Due to this she is very perceptive on people's emotional state, the slightest difference in their usual demeanor can be caught by her eye. She currently does not put her fate to a God or Goddess, but rather to life, and mother nature itself. She hopes there is an afterlife, but also enjoys the thought of becoming one with nature itself. The wolf respects others views- as this is simply her own hopes.


Shisu grew up in a Pack that prided strength above all else. They weren't barbaric warriors, but they were not push-overs. When Shisu was born, she was named Sheru which means lion, as her parents hoped she would grow up strong and healthy as one. She came out rather weak, it wasn't that she was a runt, she just seemed too weak to actually move, maybe even ill. No one was really sure why, but maybe it was due to how big her siblings came out, they made her fend for nuitrition. Her parents had to nudge her for milk, they didn't have the heart to abandon their daughter, which thankfully, she grew up healthy, but quiet. Her brothers were loud, they were like bears while she was a cub. They were too much, as their loud barking pierced her long ears, and their rough-housing hurt. They were rough as children, and in their Pack it was normal for them to play, but to her they were nightmares. They never purposely bullied Sheru, but she couldn't handle their play, that adults simply thought was just puppies being puppies. However, there was a day she got injured terribly by her brothers rough-housing, as they lunged her into a sharp rock that badly scratched her side. It caused a deep fear within her on fighting, there was scare enough when they came to play, but she could never play with them without running away.

It was like that with all the pups her age. They were all strong and rough-housed, but she being weaker then them, could never join on the games. Of course they never attempted to exclude her, but she always tried to reject, before her words get washed away with a "c'mon!" and reluctantly agreeing. It was hard to say no with their rather forceful approach. That is until she got injured- that's when they started to leave her alone. They would come over and talk, but no one really found anything in common with her. This made Sheru often play alone, giving her the hobby of admiring the stars, as well as the beauty of nature. She came very perceptive of reading others, as she simply spent days watching everyone. She could read their emotions- it was easy to see that her uncle, when feeling nervous, often shuffled his paws. It was common in many wolves, as well as they flickering their ears in curosity. Some were difficult, as each had their own different way. Some nodded their head to the side when angered, or in thinking, but their body, the way they produced their stance, always told their emotion. What she couldn't read was their inner thoughts, only their emotions.. 

So as she grew up, Sheru was sheltered, and lonely. Her wound had healed, leaving a scar that could not be seen underneath her pelt, but still stayed average, maybe smaller then average. It was hard to contribute to her Pack, as they spared, and often had trouble keeping away other Packs from their borders. She couldn't bare fighting, and had trouble swallowing the fact at times, they brought a dead body back. She didn't really find anyone to call a 'friend,' and only sat by nature... It gave her an appreciation of life, as she gave mutual respect to what for what she watched for months on end. It was hard to watch wolves sharpen their claws on something so beautiful as the willow tree. They couldn't understand that- and she couldn't understand them. Sheru, didn't feel like this was her home.

So she decided to leave- to find somewhere that could be home. Of course, she had a love for her parents, for her siblings, but she couldn't relate to them, and she didn't feel comfortable staying somewhere where their thoughts are different. So, she bid her goodbyes to them. She wanted to shed the wings that didn't belong to her- including what others wanted her to be, a lion, a bear, a strong wolf. She wasn't Sheru when she left, she became another wolf, someone who would find herself in a place she would really belong. She became Shisu, on the day she left.