


3 months, 10 days ago


Pittis egg was damaged, and most thought it was not going to hatch! But out came a little pale puff, with glitchy back legs that seem to be slowly growing to cover the baby as it grows up.
With it's legs mangled and often glitching, it drags itself on its front paws, peeping in hopes of others slowing down or others coming to help it catch up.

Pitti really wants to be part of a group, but the glitching often makes other programs except for fellow spams shy away from it. Not watching to become glitched as well.

He's tiny for a spammling, and we can root for this lil guy to make it. Maybe his sad blue eyes will win someone over and he will be taken care of!
If not, street life will be hard for them...

He does find a group that will help, who become like a family to him! And they emotionally support him and he grows into a fine ad! Loving to spread the good news of the group. He did find himself in a religious group, and it did inspire him. Over time, he formed his own ideas, talking about them instead of the doctrine of the leader. In fact many prefer his ideas over the leaders.... and this gets him into a bit of hot water. But he insists he doesn't mean any harm. It's just how he interprets what is taught!
He gets around cyber city in a fancy wheelchair, able to zip around with ease.

The virus form is a rare sight, and is far more angelic than the leaders own form. It comes out when he feels he needs to protect others. The glitch is still there, but it doesn't seem to hinder him as he soars around. He's a bit lost in the sauce in this form, but means well. His wings act as shields against attacks.
He does enjoy freedom of this form, and will go flying around after the danger has passed.