Pokémon Ranger Usagi



6 months, 24 days ago


Based on the protagonist of Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs. Usagi has dedicated her life to protecting Oblivia and all the people and Pokémon who live there; she is intensely dedicated to her work and up until she met the love of her life, she was more than willing to let her work rule her life. Oblivia is her home, and she would do anything to protect it.

She's a dedicated workaholic with a heart of gold and a genuine love for the people, Pokémon, and places around her. She's also got a weaker form of the Gift, being able to understand Pokémon's body language better than most others'. She doesn't know how to stop pushing herself to her limits, and as such has to take longer breaks when her body wears out. 

Her partner Pokémon is none other than Ukulele Pichu himself! Usually he follows right on her heels, but he also isn't opposed to being held. He is the only Pokémon she can truly communicate with no issue, understanding every one of his lil Pichu noises. They're besties.

Everything the GS protag does, she does, until the game is 100%'d! There's a couple minor changes to things but generally it's the same until after. More to come soon! I know this is quite underwhelming of a bio.

Oh! Also she just loves cooking; while she's a vegetarian by choice, if she's making food for others she'll incorporate meat if they ask. Usually she doesn't, though. 

[Appearance: Choppy light brown hair, short with two long pieces of hair on either side of her face and one on her forehead; light blue eyes like the Oblivian sky; freckles on her sunkissed face; lichtenberg/lightning scars running all up her legs; and either the Guardian Signs ranger uniform or light beachy clothes.]

Icon by the amazing Hamsterz!