Yves Alwyn



2 months, 2 days ago


Yves Alwyn-He/Him-Mid 20's-Damselfly

A charming young man with an adventurous heart. He enjoys lending a hand to any problem that stumbles upon his path. Eager to learn and respectful to his elders who call him an idealist. His heart often meddles with his thoughts; easily taken advantage of for not being able to deny any kind of requests.

Yves comes from a family of Royal Advisers for the DragonFly Royals at the Köppen region of the West. A rather small civilization based on local growth and economy mostly, not so often sending for trade to the largest DragonFly cities at the Tropical Planes. Born into nobility, Yves was soon instructed into the meaning of his given trade. However, the pond he lived at soon seemed to be too small for his own ambitions and adventurer heart; as he convinced his elders to seek training overseas, even further of the cities his people knew about. His wishes were granted under one condition, to always send word of his whereabouts, and to come back home safely no more after 60 clear moons have passed.