


6 months, 17 days ago


" Ubi amor, ibi dolor "


Reserved • Insightful • Selfless

Name Kieran
Prounouns He/Him
Gem Clear Ice Pearl
Emergence Era 2
Height 7'0
Role Combat Pearl
Demeanor Reserved
HTML Pinky

Kieran, as a combat pearl, embodies the essence of unwavering loyalty amidst the chaos of battle. In the heat of conflict, his quiet demeanor transforms into a focused determination, his every move a testament to his steadfast commitment to his cause and comrades. With precision and skill honed through rigorous training, he navigates the battlefield with a calm efficiency, always mindful of the safety and well-being of those fighting alongside him. Despite the chaos and danger that surrounds him, Kieran remains resolute, his loyalty serving as a beacon of strength for his allies. He fights not for glory or recognition, but out of a deep-seated devotion to those he holds dear. Even in the face of overwhelming odds, his loyalty remains unwavering, a steadfast anchor amidst the tumult of war. Through his actions, Kieran embodies the true essence of camaraderie and sacrifice, a testament to the power of loyalty in the face of adversity.



  • Stargazing
  • Philosophy
  • Assisting
  • Solitude


  • Surprises
  • Worthlessness
  • Complaining
  • Competition

Kieran possesses a serene and introspective personality, often found lost in the depths of his own thoughts. His quiet demeanor belies a sharp intellect, his mind constantly absorbing and analyzing the world around him with keen insight. While others may seek the spotlight, Kieran finds comfort in the tranquility of solitude, where he can explore his innermost thoughts without distraction. His loyalty is unwavering, a steadfast pillar of support for those he holds dear. Though he may not speak often, his words carry weight and wisdom beyond his years, a testament to the depth of his intellect and the strength of his character. In a world of noise and chaos, Kieran is a steady anchor of calm, his presence a source of quiet strength and unwavering loyalty.


Kieran carries a heavy burden of fear within him, haunted by the specter of failure that looms over his every action. From a young age, he internalized the belief that any misstep or shortcoming would reflect not just on himself, but on those he cared for deeply. This fear drives him to strive for perfection in all endeavors, relentlessly pursuing excellence as if it were the only shield against disappointment. However, despite his best efforts, the weight of responsibility often proves overwhelming, leading him to shoulder the blame for even the slightest of setbacks. He finds solace in the belief that by taking ownership of his perceived failures, he can shield others from the sting of disappointment. Yet, beneath this facade of self-sacrifice lies a deep-seated insecurity, a fear of inadequacy that gnaws at the core of his being. Despite his outward appearance of strength and resilience, Kieran remains locked in a perpetual struggle against the relentless tide of self-doubt, grappling with the fear that he will never be enough.


Kieran's journey began in the shadow of loyalty and trust, as he stood steadfastly by the side of his commander since his emergence into the world. From a young age, he dedicated himself to the service of his leader, believing in their cause with unwavering faith. Their bond seemed unbreakable, built on years of shared victories and challenges overcome together. However, as Kieran matured, he began to uncover unsettling truths hidden beneath the veneer of loyalty. Kieran was killed by the only person he had ever truly trusted. Since that day, Kieran's been burdened by the scar on his chest, constantly reminding him of his... failure.



At first glance, Kieran's relationship with Fabler may appear tinged with an air of disdain or frustration. His reserved nature and tendency towards introspection often clash with Fabler's more outgoing and flamboyant personality, creating a surface dynamic that seems fraught with tension. However, beneath this veneer of apparent animosity lies a deeper truth: Kieran harbors a genuine appreciation for Fabler's unique qualities and acceptance.


Mistress Verglas

Kieran harbors a profound sense of gratitude towards the Mistress. Despite her intimidating nature, she hasn't shattered him, a fact that he recognizes as a testament to her restraint or perhaps her hidden benevolence. Their relationship is a complex interplay of fear and appreciation, where Kieran navigates the delicate terrain of Verglas's influence, always wary but ultimately indebted to her for her restraint.



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