Hi!! Same as the other, I can offer ocs AND art/customs!!

Here’s my art examples :3 https://toyhou.se/-Berry-/art

Here’s characters! https://toyhou.se/-Berry-/characters/extagged:Sona

thank you for this offer, It was a contender! but as a curtesy im letting you know that i did go with a different offer! thank you for your interest!

No worries!

I can offer $20 + Someone from the folders below!

https://toyhou.se/EZIC0RE/characters/folder:2680586 https://toyhou.se/EZIC0RE/characters/folder:2680589 https://toyhou.se/EZIC0RE/characters/folder:2680593

Multiples are totally fine if from the folders "02" or "03" !! :3

thank you for this offer, i liked some of the characters i saw! but as a curtesy im letting you know i went with a different offer!

same here as the previous text i sent hehehehe, if youre doing oc for oc, a reply would be neat GRAAA

my apologies!! ill be sure to be extremely communicative until offers close. likes my sales post says, USD is highly preferred but im more interested in art over characters right now! even still, I'm looking thorough at every single offer in case something catches my eye!

super understandable!!!!!! id offer art or maybe a custom oc, let me know when you take the final desicion >:]

sorry for the wait! as a curtesy im letting you know i went with a USD offer!

Okay no problems! Thanks you letting me know :}

i can offer $60!




you are in the lead 👀👀

teehee im excited

1 Replies
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i DO really like ramen demon... is ramen man and a character out of the folder acceptable? :0

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I can offer $40 payment for Wednesday night

Actually I'll offer $50 USD for tomorrow night

an $80 offer was made above! but time remains so feel free to counter offer if you have anything you wanna add! :0

I can't afford more than $50 at this time sadly 😭

you can offer other things too, but i completely understand! thank you so much for your interest!

ill start w 25-30! plus almost anyone here https://toyhou.se/SyberSpace/characters/folder:1662841

is this fella on the table? 🥺


Yea ! Feel free to ask for mult 

thats the only one that caught my eye honestly, but i am considering it!! this is definitely a good offer huhu

I can raise my offer to 35 - 40 plus the oc !

thank you for your great offer! as a curtesy im letting you know i went with another offer! thanks so much!

Offering anything/anyone from here!


Glad to do multiples including myos! 

hi! just so I understand your offer, when you say, including MYOs, are you offering purchased MYO slots or offering to design for one?

Im offering the MYOs themselves ^^

You'd be free to use, trade or whatever, i currently have a impim myo and terralien myo i can offer along with characters on the folder ^^  I don't mind doing multiple characters and the myos altogether if it comes to your interest 

I kinda of threw all i had to offer on the table as i rlly liked that design XD

unfortunately i had no idea what those closed species were until i looked them up today, and I checked out your folder and the only one that caught my eye was this little guy 🥺https://toyhou.se/25053403.offer-tamagochi

right now the $80 offer is definitely the one im considering most since im unsure of what kind of artwork i'd want right now!

No problem! If anything lmk!