Marx Vendetta



3 months, 15 days ago


Marx Royal

Called Marx

Pronouns She/Her

Age 22

Race Bloodless

Role Protaganist

HTML Pinky


After hearing the announcement that Starforge would be opening their borders, Marx, the youngest daughter of the world-renowned crime syndicate SCLERA, bolts for the exit, giving little time for her family to track her down. After cutting loose ends and changing her identity, she now searches Starforge for a chance to make a name for herself. But with no friends, family or connections to back her up, she's finding that it's rather difficult to make a name for herself…

She had escaped from her family at the age of sixteen, but with eyes everywhere, she has found it increasingly difficult to hide. After moving around, and changing her identity several times over the course of six years, she's done hiding and is looking to make a name for herself as a bounty hunter in Starforge.

After the Nova, an event that cursed all of the citizens of Starforge with abilities that feed on their blood, she now roams the streets, hunting criminals with her many summons, while keeping an eye out for her former gang.


Height 5'11

Build Lean

Eyes White*

Skin Tone Sepia Brown

Hair Color White**

Hair Style Locs in a ponytail

Demeanor Defensive


  • * Marx has cybernetic eyes that allow her to see out to a range of 60ft in total darkness, because of this, they take on a halo shape and glow slightly in the dark.
  • Marx's Hair, like her mother's is naturally white, but she constantly dyes it a different color in order to blend in.
  • Marx has a cybernetic LEFT arm that allows her to access her blood much faster and safer than cutting.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Marx is known to be extremely distrustful of people when first meeting them, but with time (and extensive research) she eventually warms up to most.



The most loyal animal of all.


One of the purist forms of self expression.


It a mini challenge within everything, you don't even need it, you can just take something.

The Letter C

Its perfect, just look at it, LOOK AT IT.



If your going to be wrong, atleast stay consistent.


It is so, so hard to climb up to the top, and its incredibly easy to stay at the top.

The Ocean

You never know whats under there, "y'know, I heard that there are vampires deep down.