Hot Dog Water



  • 04640
  • Hot Dog Water
  • Any Pronouns
  • Peppiclone
  • Additional DNA: Virginia Opossum, Bad Rat
  • Deceased
A Peppiclone with pointed, semi-drooping ears, short claws and a medium length tail. Their tail is kinked at the end, and has been since they were young. Also last seen with a pouch on their abdomen.

Hot Dog Water was an odd clone, both somewhat skittish but also aggressive towards many things that they didn't like - usually hissing and swiping at them. She would also frequently stare at things for hours on end, and due to her DNA she would 'play dead' at any 'threat' she felt like she couldn't fight or scare off first.

Hot Dog Water was friendly to a select few, being affectionate with them or bringing them 'gifts', ranging from dead bugs to shiny things they found. She also had four offspring, fiercely defending them from others, except her friends.

While Hot Dog Water survived the crumbling of the Tower, she perished soon after, getting hit by a vehicle after standing in the road for too long and not understanding what the bright lights (headlights) were. Her body and brain were severely damaged and unable to be regenerated back. It is currently unknown what happened to her offspring.