Maisy Miller



3 months, 3 days ago


♡ Maisy Miller ♡

♡ Orphange employee ID: Maisy Miller

Artist Maid Optimistic Loud
Maisy is the second youngest worker of the orphanage, youngest being her sister Miski. She always has an optimistic attitude, being a social butterfly and always greeting everyone with a smile. Despite her horrible past and the emotions she bottles up, she hides them and tries to look on the bright side of everything.
♡ Flowers
♡ Outdoors
♡ Her sister Miski
♡ The color green
♡ Painting
The girls arguing ⨯
Anything bringing up her trauma ⨯
When theres no paint ⨯
Being alone in the dark ⨯
Horror movies ⨯
Fun facts
Smells like mint, usually painting or outside playing with the orphan kids.

♡ Personality

Color: Green
Food: Cupcakes
Drink: Lemonade
Flower: Chrysanthemums
Season: Spring
Music genre: Indie Folk
Hair style: Two braids
+ Compassionate + Optimistic + Supportive - Loud - Bottled up emotions - Easily stressed
Maisy always tries to be the most positive in the room and look on the bright side of any situation. She’s a social butterfly who would love to be your friend and would drag you to her friend group if she saw you sitting down by yourself. She loves painting and music and most of the children adore her for her personality. However, there’s a tragic side to her. Growing up with a traumatic past, she just wants to move on and her friends to heal, so she tries to help all she can. She has a lot of pain deep down, but tries to bottle it all up with the excuse “My friends need me to be strong” “I have to stay happy for them” One of the ways she copes with her pain without saying anything is painting, it’s something she’s really passionate about and she goes to paint whenever
- Painting
- Reading
- Picking flowers
- Gardening
- little behavioral things
- habits
- Brushing her braids
- Making squealing sounds when happy
- Singing out of nowhere
- Drawing whenever she gets a chance





♡ Health

Height: 2.3
Blood type: A
D.O.B: March 31
Eyesight: Well
Allergies: None
Physical issues: None
Weight: 120 lbs
Build: Slim and fluffy
Activity level: High
Hearing: Good
Fear: Never getting over trauma
Disorders: PTSD



Ability - A great artisr
Ability - Fast reader
Ability - Naturally very active and fast
Ability - Good singer

♡ Design

Required traits:
- Fluffy and slim
- Has two braids
- Green light eyes
- Tufts in ears
Optional traits:
- Bow on tail
- Green flowers
- Her two braids
- Her hair style can be creative

Ref → Alt form → Species info → Pinterest board →
Designer: Emmikoo
Original price: None
Value: Forever home
Pinglist: None
Fanfics Fanart Friends
Sale NSFW Offer Trade

About me

Name: Maisy Miller
Age: 19
Species: Rapterian
Gender: Female
Occupation: Orphanage maid
Aesthetic: Cottagecore
Status: Alive


Maisy was born a year before Miski, so she remembers some things that Miski doesn’t. She remembered how much her father scared her, how he would drink and hit her mother and yell at Maisy for things she didn't understand until way older. A few years after Miski was born, Maisy’s mother, Larissa, took two of the daughters and ran. She ran into her old childhood friend Selune and the girls took shelter at Selune’s church. However this would only ruin Larissa’s daughter’s lives. Maisy and Miski were tortured and abused by priests in the church and were forced to keep quiet.

Hidden trauma

They were told if they told anyone they would be sent to hell and suffer. Being very religious and terrified, the two girls shut up. They never told Larissa what happened, and Maisy regrets not telling her before she died. When Larrissa was killed by feral wolves, it only left Miski and Maisy more devastated. No dad, no family, and now no mother. The Miller sisters only had each other now. Years after Selune is killed, Maisy and Miski finally confess what has happened to them, but they were shocked to find the other girls went through the same thing. It leaves them disgusted, they look up to Selune, only to find she let most of their abuse happen. Maisy now works for the orphanage she grew up in, in hopes to protect them from what she went through.