Squeaky Service



7 months, 20 hours ago


Name: Squeaky Service 

Pendant: Paw (Like a helping paw :3)

Purpose: To teach that helping others in need is important 

Scent: Rosemary 

Originally created to be part of the smiling critter gang, Squeaks was supposed to show others that helping others and lending a paw was important. However, due to DogDay being the leader and already fulfilling that purpose, he was scrapped and removed from the group. 

Smiling Critters cartoon(Unofficial, beta):
He used to be in some beta episodes until he was purged, and he was especially close to Bubba Bubbaphant, Bobby Bearhug and CraftyCorn, often helping them and enjoying their hobbies together. 

Despite admiring DogDay a lot, he was a tad bit jealous of him, since the joyful dog was known as the leader and most of the others went to him for big issues instead of Squeaks. Though, one critter that he was especially envious of is CatNap, as him and DogDay were very close. He always wanted to be close to him, but was somehow always nervous around him; but the cat could just be natural around him, and that was something he wished he could do so easily. 

CatNap is a good listener, though not much of a talker. Squeaks was most probably trying to find out more about him and kind of prying him to speak more, though that didn't really work out. He was feeling a bit useless as despite wanting to help others the best he could, CatNap was the one helping DogDay more when he needed to rant or talk about something. 

Squeaks starts feeling worse, but he was not one to ask for any assistance. Usually, he told himself; "I'm the helper. I'm not supposed to be helped."
The cat was the first one to notice his change in demeanour, but knowing the mouse, he knew he had to approach the subject carefully. One night when he saw that Squeaks couldn't sleep, the two had a talk together. Getting him to open up and starting to talk about his issues, that it was okay to not always be the one helping and instead being helped. Even if it was not easy at first to do, the two share a meaningful conversation and the mouse learns that it is, in fact, okay to ask for help. The two become friends, and he is able to get closer to DogDay as well. Though, he is eventually scrapped from the group and show altogether.

Was it ever meant to be? Neither cats or dogs even like the scent of rosemary. I shouldn't take this personally. My whole existence is lie, I feel like; I don't symbolise 'remembrance' at all. 

...so much for representing the importance of help. What's the point, if I can't even help myself?