
3 months, 2 days ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Enzo Bellucci


28 years old


italian man



Type of activity

Director of a racing car manufacturing company




a hybrid of a bull and a tiger


80 kg


207 cm



1. Enzo was born in Rome, Italy, into a wealthy family. The boy's childhood was spent in love and attention.

2. The guy studied at a private school, where the children of the wealthy part of the population studied. The boy was taught economics and trade. The father was preparing his son, because he is the heir to a large racing car company.

3. Enzo was always under the supervision of security, he never left the territory of their mansion alone. This worried the guy, he often ran away from home to walk around the city without security, this behavior did not suit his father, so at the age of 12, Enzo was transferred to homeschooling so that his parents always knew where he was.

4. Due to the lack of communication with the outside world, the boy became withdrawn and uncommunicative. He began to avoid his father more and more often. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he was angry at him. Unfortunately, the mother only shrugged her shoulders at all this, arguing for such behavior of her husband with ordinary care.

5. Enzo was a hybrid. His father was a large black bull, and his mother was an Amur tigress.

6. After graduation, the guy was sent to the best university in France, to the Faculty of Marketing.  Enzo didn't really like studying, but he graduated from school perfectly and went to France with pleasure. By this time, their relationship with their father had improved.

7. At the age of 23, Enzo inherited his father's company, because he became seriously ill and soon died of cancer.

8. Due to the fact that relations with his father became good, the guy overcame his isolation, during his father's lifetime he always helped him in the company and drew knowledge, this helped him quickly get up to speed.

9. The guy successfully graduated from the university and devoted himself entirely to working for the company. His dedication and sociability helped him sign many contracts with partners, and now he cooperates with Ferrari, BMW, Red Bull, etc.

10. Enzo loves the atmosphere of France, because his best years were spent there. While the guy lived in Paris, he adopted many habits and customs of the French. This trait remains with him to this day. Enzo also speaks several languages perfectly: Italian, French, German and even Russian.

11. Enzo grew up to be a real gentleman, but with a good sense of pestilence.  His mother taught her son secular manners from childhood.

12. The guy is reasonable and calm. He has a very strong psyche, it is extremely difficult to get him out of himself. He is responsible and generous, always knows what he is doing and what is needed for this. He is not afraid of difficulties and is always ready to fight for what is dear to him.

13. He has an unhealthy love for children, although he never crosses the boundaries.

14. He is a lover of bdsm games, appreciates his partner's complaisance and willingness to experiment.