


3 months, 1 day ago

Basic Info




He/It (ftm)






Run Away


Swift, Quick attack, Defense curl, Flatter




✿ A generally adventurous and excitable buneary that can be very hyper around close friends, but shys away from meeting new people or pokemon. Despite looking very young, it is actually closer to a young adult and is around level 35. 

🏳️‍⚧️ After realizing he was trans, this buneary decided to start wearing an everstone, which could help it to avoid evolution. This is because it thinks it would feel uncomfortable in the more feminine body of a Lopunny. Ironically, and unbeknownst to it, it wouldn't be able to evolve without a trainer anyways. 

✿ It is interested in having a trainer and would be comfortable in suburban or city living, but is too shy to approach people outside the occasional petty theft at the farmer's market. 

🏳️‍⚧️ It can be quick to judge other Pokemon and doesn't associate with "mean looking" mons (such as poison or dark types) due to a purely assumptive negative bias. It is also rather scared of large pokemon, much preferring to associate with pokemon close to its size or smaller than it. 

✿ While he enjoys a good battle every now and then, he doesn't go seeking them out. On the occasion he gets into a battle by accident, it is likely the consequence of stealing food from shopkeepers or camping trainers. 

🏳️‍⚧️ Its favorite foods are all very sweet, and it has a love for pecha berries and poffins over most other types of pokemon food. If it were to ever visit Kalos, Pokepuffs would likely become its new favorite treat. 

✿ It currently lives in Eterna Forest and frequents Eterna city for food it could not forage in the wild. Despite a fairly lush selection of berries and nuts in the forest, Buneary is more interested in man-made pokemon food such as poffins and other pokemon treats. (It is not a healthy eater) 

🏳️‍⚧️ It can sometimes be found doing tricks in exchange for poffins outside stadiums where Pokemon Contests are held. It does this knowing full well that most contest-goers love a cute pokemon with style. The accessories it has are likely stolen from a pokemon contest hall or a contestant's baggage. 

✿ Because it is a shiny, this buneary has to be quicker on its feet than others might, especially if it doesn't want to be caught by just any ol' trainer. Although it was always relatively cautious, it has loosened up in recent years out of cockiness, thinking "I've never been caught before, so I'll be fine now, too!"