Mihra Surana



2 months, 7 days ago

Basic Info


Mihra Surana



Gender, species

Female elf


Dragon Age


   Mihra is a gentle person with an open mind and a willingness to help whoever needs it. She was a circle mage at Kinloch Hold before her recruitment into the Grey Wardens and often spent her time either reading or taking care of the younger mages. Her magic reflects her personality well; healing, nurturing, and a great focus on mind and spitit, but it grows sharp when needed; during her travels she slowly turning to blood magic. Despite her vow to only use it on hostile enemies and when there is no other choice, she would hesitate only for a split second before using her own life force in dire circumstances. 

Physical description:
   She has sun-tanned skin, dark eyes and long, wavy, dark brown hair often braided or put up in various intricate ways. She's quite short, even for an elf, and heavier than average. A prominent nose sits above plump lips and a number of birthmarks litter her face and body.

  As she was taken to a circle as a very young child she has no clear memories of her family. She doesn't know whether she's dalish or not; something she's come to terms with but after visiting a clan does affect her. (something something lack of identity, community, and loneliness)

Significant other: 
  Leliana. They grew close quite quickly but danced around each other for months, neither realizing the other was interested, before Leliana confessed. They enjoy doing each others' hair and talking late into the nights.
  AU: Oghren. She was one of the few people who treated him with respect; recognizing his many issues and read him well enough to meet him at a point where he felt comfortable reaching back out. 

Ongoing story:
  Follows the game. She ends up dying at the Battle of Denerim.
  (will add more later)

+ stories, fictional or not
+ history
+ nature, walking
+ braiding and styling hair
- people praying on the weak
- politics

+ persuasive
+ good at reading people
+ caring, helpful
+ not afraid to say no
- slow, takes her time with things
- self-sacrificing

* moodboard
* ^  Sweet Adeline Pt. 2 (Avi Kaplan) is THE song for her and Leliana