Bone Marrow | 🦴's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

TrickyStopSign64209 Global Rules

Do NOT remove eyelashes, skirts or anything feminine from a male character without permission. If you have, I will confront you as it makes me upset and uncomfortable. ( Vice versa with masculine features for female characters. )

Do NOT make fat designs skinny and skinny designs fat. If you can not draw different body types then that's okay, but if you can and you decide to change a skinny characters body ( vice versa. ) Then I will ask you about it.

PLEASE tell me if you offer for a character of mine for a friend OR if you're selling a design of mine, specifically my Spooky month designs.

Do NOT change any of my designs to where they can not be recognized, if you do I will confront you and if you do not change it back you will be blacklisted from getting any of my designs for a week. Yes the character is yours but I am proud and happy with all my designs so seeing them getting changed completely makes us upset.

Different genders have different things about them I would not like changed, those are; female//AFABs - Chub, hairy, masc appearing

Male//AMABs - Eyelashes, skirts//fem clothing, fem appearing. None of these should be changed without permission, you ask, I will most likely say yes, if you don't it will change my view on you.

PLEASE do NOT delete ANY of my designs under any circumstances, I will reupload them and depending will resell them. If you don't want the design anymore or wanting to shut your account down please send the design back to me. 

I check our designs almost constantly, I know what designs have been uploaded, if I see one missing I will try to get a hold of the person who got said design to get a feel of why it's missing. if you put a design under authorization only please authorize us, we like looking at what others are doing with our designs.

I check new accounts, if you have no characters then I will most likely not respond, if you want a response please let us know in your comment.

When commenting on a design please don't use any tonetag while we talk, it makes us really uncomfortable and frustrated, unless we know each other well ( coughcough Ben coughcough ) then use tonetag in every sentence we don't care, we use tonetag if somewhere on a person we are wanting to speak to or are speaking to’ profile or if we have spoken before and already know to use tonetag.

Don't resell one of our designs immediately. At least come up with some information and or adding art, it makes us upset seeing our designs being resold without having anything added.

please do NOT take inspiration from our designs, if we find out you have we will confront you and if you don't change said design we will block you, we work hard on most of our designs and love all our designs, seeing someone fully taking something from a design of ours makes us upset. Ask, and if we say no it's a no, especially when it comes to clothing as we do not look at references and like coming up with our own things, unless it is a custom and the person wanting specific things.

Password; 🎭