Delilah the Dragon



  • Name Delilah
  • Quote “Darling, Just go with the flow, be who you are!”
  • Height 5.8 Foot
  • Gender Female
  • Species Animatronic Dragon
  • Role Performer
  • Theme Posin'

/ Passionate / Caring / Motivator / Cautious / Trendy /

Unlike most animatronics, Delilah's plastic-like suit is waterproof, which is so that Delilah is able to perform on her water-themed stage. However, her Metal endoskeleton and wired insides are vulnerable to water, which can cause Delilah's main AI and circuits to corrupt. Therefore, water gets her annoyed at times.

She has a crush on Wick, another animatronic Dragon, In the same establishment, Her AI always makes her blush in front of him. Delilah's personality really softens Wick up, even if he's in an angry mood.

Apart from Wick, Delilah is highly caring of her crewmates, especially Ellie. She tends to start off the conversation with a motivational quote and continues from there. Luther has a tendency to play along with her, making dark puns from her speeches, although Delilah does mind, she goes along with it.

Delilah rarely talks to Roye, as he always wants to be alone every time she checks on him. This always gives Delilah the chills. During performance times, she always wears her polka-dot skirt, This helps to avoid any water getting on her. The only times she takes off her skirt is when she’s wandering around at evenings, Delilah feels freer that way.

Every now and again, a golden illusion of Delilah appears, they seem to be a solid entity, though they can float at ease. Delilah nicknames this illusion of hers as “GD”. They tend to cause a lot of pranks on her mates, and always appears when dark things are about to happen. (Truthfully, GD was a prototype Delilah, gone wrong and scrapped to pieces, although her body parts can be seen from time to time)








  • Looking out for Others
  • Wick The Dragon
  • Making children and adults smile!
  • Her Occupation
  • Organic Water


  • Dark Thoughts
  • Bad fashion sense
  • Golden Delilah (GD)
  • Being the centre of attention
  • TBA

Delilah 'also' tends to act old-fashioned; as in she uses words like “Darling” “Sugar” And “Honey”. This helps her bond with her group, as they find her words “Motherly”.

  • Her Skirt is made of Cloth Material.
  • Golden Delilah Is an Illusion, Often seen in pieces; (Arms, Legs Head ETC).
  • Delilah was designed with the Themes "Rain" and "Spyro" In mind.
  • TBA


[ Romantic Interest ]

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[ Co-Worker ]

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[ Retired Co-Worker ]

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