


3 months, 9 days ago



Gender Female

Breed Mixed

Birthday Sept. 13th

Affiliation N/A

Theme Song Name


Once a faceless soldier for a nameless king, chains gripping her limbs and forcing her to do a bidding that was not her own. Kora brought death to thousands, fighting aimless and petty wars for temporary territories to then sit and silently watch her drunken lords boast of the glory acheived from battles they did not fight. She was well-versed in magic, learning constantly and improving on her own - it was why she had been chosen as a general in the first place, and also why she was allowed free access to the ancient archive. It was there that she decoded ancient and cursed techniques, ones long forbidden and lost to her kind. She tested it first on the battle field, tearing the soul from a enemy to then twist and weave it into an arrow. Her foe stood with wide eyes, and as she drove her nails into the grain of the arrow's wood their face twisted and contorted with pain. Then, as the arrow broke, they collapsed with one final gasp. Knowing now that this technique worked, she sat and watched her lords celebrate once more. When they fell into their drunken stuppor, their faceless general removed her mask and turned on her lords. It was a slaughter, one which very few were spared from, and as the dust and blood settled the chains fell limp from her limbs.

The survivors of that massacure were given a choice: submit to her, or join their brothers. All submitted, even those more defiant lost hope and will as their turn approached, surrendering their souls to her to be transformed into various weapons. She gave these weapons back to her new warriors, but kept a shard of each - a cruel form of control. With her newfound power she abandoned petty wars and pursuits, rebuilding her kingdom before setting off on her own to spread her control. It was then that she set her sights on Moonbain, the realm a common convergance for others - a crossroads.

Kora is a devil, one which has grown considerably powerful through pursuits of ancient arts written in broken code - records which she was sure to destroy after learning. She gains strength and control through the souls of others and often seeks to obtain them, though her methods scarecly include force. In a strange way she seems to almost enjoy the game of trying to get the other to agree to it, acheiving what they desire to obtain a more mentally-loyal soldier in the process. However, there are times where she may suddenly take a soul by force, or perhaps will slaughter an individual who has crossed her even slightly.


Height 28 in.

Build Lean

Demeanor Calm, Composed, Unpredictable


  • Two small scars on the left side of her muzzle.
  • Bright gold eyes.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Kora appears to have control of practically any situation she is in. She is calm and level-headed, but not exactly friendly. There is an air of superiority to her, almost as if she is casually talking down to those she meets. While at times she may act to please another for her own benefit, it is far more common for her to force others to bend to her will. Above all, however, Kora is unpredictable. It is very hard to determine what may or may not set her off, and at times her decision about an indiviual can change after a single word.



"Creation of a Black Blood"

✦ Tear the soul from the body and forge it into a new physical form. This physical form can strengthen the indiviual it belongs to should they posess it. It can also, however, inflict great pain on the indivual should it be damaged. During it's creation, however, a fragment of the soul can be woven into a seperate item to make up to three pieces.

✦ Those which Kora has taken the soul of are dubbed "Black Bloods."

✦ Toll: Moderate to Severe - excessie use can cause nose bleeds, migraines, weakness, fatigue, and collapse.


✦ Able to manipulate the momentum and direction of an object. This technique is easierto use on an item in motion than a still one and can be used on up to three items at once. The heavier the object, the greater the strain.

✦ Toll: Mild - grows more severe with larger objects. Excessive use can cause fatigue.


✦ Able to convert one item into another. Unable to create something from nothing, though can make the illusion of doing so in the right circumstances. Requires an understanding of "the nature of the thing" in order to create it, and her preception of this can skew the resulting appearance of the item.

✦ Toll: Moderate - Excessive use can cause appearance of physical wounds. Improper use can cause severe physical trauma.


✦ Able to rapidly repair wounds after enduring them, sometimes even as the wound is made. Can use this on others if they are a Black Blood and she is in contact with part of their soul.

✦ Toll: Mild-Moderate - Severity depends on severity of the wound. Excessive use weakenes and slows the effect.

Storyline Points


✦ Daughter of two greatly feared devils, former conquerers for the nameless lords. They inadvertantly taught her the addicting power of fear, inpsiring many of her actions going forward. Her parents were attacked by an envious general, and in the battle her mother fell. Her father, however, bore a legacy so horrifying that no soldier would advance to face him. Seeing an opportunity, Kora ambushed and slaughtered her father, inheriting his legacy and reviling in the power of fear for the first time.













