


3 months, 1 day ago



Misere is a jester-like rogue who is always looking for opportunities to get money. 

He's level-headed guy who rolls with the punches, understanding that the world can be a little chaotic at times. He's a firm believer in living your own life, not letting anyone force you to do something you don't want. He doesn't respect law enforcement, and will sometimes make fun of people if they're an easy target for teasing.

Backstory (SPOILERS!!!):

Misere was a jester by trade, and worked as such in a minor noble's court for a few years. In this time he was able to become close with Fiona, the noble's daughter. A young adult herself, she did not enjoy the noble lifestyle and often mentioned her desire to become an entertainer like Misere. He humored her and taught her the ocarina.

Eventually, Fiona was set to be involved in an arranged marriage. She went to Misere for help in running away, and his ideals in not letting anyone force you to live a life you don't want to live led him to agreeing. They successfully escaped initially, but got caught on the run. Misere, not wanting Fiona to be punished, took the fall and claimed that he manipulated and kidnapped Fiona. Misere was fired and fined 10,000 GP that he had to work off in the city, but no one wanted to hire an entertainer who kidnapped someone's daughter. He had to learn basic rogue skills to just get by, and is always looking for ways to repay his debt. 

Spoiler Fun Facts:

- He will always take the fall for people close to him