Tex Matthews (Band on the Run)



1 month, 28 days ago


It's a sin to tell a lie
name Adam "Tex" Matthews
DOB 08/15/1908
age 29
sex male
height 6'1
weight 190 LBS

code jiko


Perched up in The Big Apple for the filming of a picture, Tex was no stranger to the array of entertainment Manhattan had to hold. Cast in a small part he often found himself with little to do, and due to his contract stating he'd be ready on site at all times he couldn't exactly pack up and go home. With ample time to meander and carouse as he so pleased he would frequent jazz clubs and bars as the sun went down and the city truly came alive in the evening. Of course, his only and biggest setback was he continued to neglect the fact that his curse would often be the cause of having to cut out of the fun early. Whenever the night of the full moon would roll around he would turn into a beast, and thanks to his uttermost lack of responsibility Tex made little effort to keep himself well hidden amidst the chaos. Still fairly new and maladjusted to his condition he habitually ignored it out of denial and spite, completely unaware of the fact that reports of a large wolf roaming the streets were beginning to bounce around the public.

Enter Albert Rainsford, the gaunt and overworked man Tex had the pleasure of answering a few press questions for. Tex's interest in the reporter was piqued and he found himself inviting Rainsford to lunch on multiple occasions, fostering a somewhat casual affection for him. Things came to a screeching halt once his research was brought to light and now trapped between a rock and a hard place, Tex amped up the charm to deter Rainsford from the rumours as they engaged in a very intense game of cat, mouse, and wolf.

martinis (gin, straight up, olive), red meat, self grooming, napping, swing jazz, coffee and doughnuts, rooftop bars, late nights out, classy venues, cowboy movies, necking, attention
being rushed, extensive questioning, having to wait, olive brine in his martini, the beach (sand. bad.), bad jokes, poor hygene, blue cheese, lobster

Polite Sassy
Cautious Impulsive
Social Reserved
Intelligence Ignorant
Emotional Rational
Productive Lazy

"Grappling" with the fact his curse is still on the newer side, Tex remains devil-may-care as ever. He takes little to no notice of the reprecussions his actions have and often downplays everything with snide humor and sarcasm- until things blow up in his face. He is insincere, sleazy, and conniving especially when he wants something from someone, and knows exactly how to go about it thanks to his devastating sense of charm. Tex loves working his way under peoples' skin, whether it be by persistently deflecting attempts to stir him during arguments or sweeping someone off their feet and leaving them breathless, at the end of the day as long as he's getting some form of attention he's happy. He may be rotten but is surprisingly very loyal to those close to him, and as a man of little sacrifice is somewhat more giving when a friend is in need (though he has a unique way of going about it in all fairness.)

Tex is notoriously harum-scarum, spoilt by the fact he's hardly ever had to lift a finger when it came to taking responsibility for himself and actions. If there's someone willing to clean up his mess, he's not going to stop them by any means. Oftentimes things come back to bite him in the ass and yet he manages to remain almost entirely unphased, most of the time. He desperately needs his ego deflated but very few have had the patience to try.

Design Notes
  • Very fit, perhaps a little bit husky but carries himself with grace and poise. Every movement is deliberate
  • Neatly kept hair, sometimes a strand or two slips loose. Enjoys taking the time to make himself look presentable
  • Sleepy eyes. Absurd eyelashes. Pack it up, go home.
  • Forced to shift during the full moon, any other time can partially shift to his will. If he really wanted to he could fully shift on command, but it takes a lot of energy and he isn't too keen on how it feels
  • Would never admit it but is wildly insecure about his ears due to their size. "Out of sight, out of mind" problem till he looks in the mirror. Isn't very good at hiding his insecurity due to the fact he often has a retort at the ready when someone comments on them
  • Often telling jokes and wisecracks, cracks himself up a lot, thinks he's hysterical, would love it if you told him you thought he was funny

Music Box
He's a Tramp-Peggy Lee