Beatrice Bailly (Bibi)



6 months, 15 days ago


I'd rather be burned as a witch
name Beatrice "Bibi" Bailly
DOB 10/03/1907
age 28
sex female
height 5'8
weight 159 lbs

code jiko


Bibi came from a very humble family down south in Mississippi. They lived modestly but comfortably, money was never a big issue especially with her mother's popularity amongst jazz venues and her father briefly getting tangled up in rumrunning during the 20's. They were secretive but far from shifty characters, preferring to keep their private lives away from the public due to belonging to a Coven. They seldom relied on magic within their everyday lives but were intransigent about keeping the practice within their family, and Bibi's parents made sure to implement it into her education more and more as she grew older. If anything they wanted it to be a skill she could pocket in case of emergency, but she found herself taking quite a large liking to it the more she learned.

Bibi's mother was surprised initially at how much her daughter enjoyed their practice, and agreed to teach her more complex spells if she took up performing arts. Much like her mother Bibi was naturally gifted when it came to song and dance, and later on would find out she could hold her own acting too. Initially met with A LOT of opposition due to her timid nature, it was like pulling teeth to get her up on stage and at a piano. But with gentle coaxing and bribery (a lot of bribery) Bibi eventually came out of her shell the more she took to performing. It wasn't long before she was booking solo gigs at venues, clubs, and bars, racking up a reputation as a hidden gem of the south.

Now well versed in magic and music, by 1932 Bibi had parked herself in New Orleans as a local performer. She continued to practice magic and alchemy outside of work using it to help enhance the talent she already had, which seemingly helped her career to grow as much as it could within the area. Things began to run stagnant as the opportunity to hit it big wasn't exactly within reach amidst the depression. Performers weren't in as high of a demand, but Bibi's persistence and ever growing passion for the arts didn't allow her to quit. Fear of fading into irrelevance always gnawed at the back of her mind and initially detesting the thought of playing dirty, she soon came around to the idea of using her magic in slightly more nefarious manners. Very sparingly, Bibi began to use charm spells to help give her career a little extra boost during certain deals with music producers. She was determined to stay afloat one way or the other.

Managing to keep her head above the water till this point, in 1935 Bibi scored a gig with Phil Morley and his Orchestra, hailing from California. There she met band celebutante Tex Matthews, the two were quickly acquainted in a less professional manner after rehearsals. Despite knowing his long history of affairs Bibi couldn't help but give herself over to him completely, his charm had her smitten. Their relations say the least, and as their engagement drew to a close he offered her a job back in California. Ecstatic, even more so because there was no magic involved, Bibi agreed and was swept out West with the rest of the band. Upon her arrival she was introduced to producers and executives thanks to Tex and begun working, being a favorable pick amongst other girls due to the fact she was a triple threat.

As Bibi blossomed over the next few months Tex began to distance himself as he grew uninterested in their affair, eventually ending things with her altogether. Confused and with nowhere to turn, she demanded an explanation as to why things suddenly died. He continued to blow her off and downplay the situation, eventually stating the whole thing was never serious and didn't mean anything in the long run to overshadow the fact he had been seeing other people. Outraged at how two faced he really was, in the spur of the moment Bibi inflicted him with a curse; one that caused him to turn into a beast on the night of the full moon. Now if he wants it lifted, Tex has to prove himself sorry and truly capable of changing his ways.

champagne and sparkling wine in general, muted trumpets, cats, biscuits and gravy, swing dancing, flowers (especially water lilies), pearls, cucumber, hollywood glam fashion, floral headpieces, faux fur, singing
overpowering perfume, pasty makeup, powdered sugar, bright greens, oysters, turkey, being disregarded or ignored, mud, incompetence, dirty humor, red wine, black coffee

Polite Sassy
Cautious Impulsive
Social Reserved
Intelligence Ignorant
Emotional Rational
Productive Lazy

Bibi is a very self-righteous and self assured woman, confident in who she is and what her abilities hold. She knows what she is deserving of and refuses to settle for less, also firmly believing that those who want good things to come to them must work for it. This is kind of ironic due to the fact that she doesn't always follow her own advice, and often poses this way as a front to give people a certain impression. Bibi has a bit of a wild streak, she enjoys being the life of the party when the situation allows for it, often throwing responsibility and morals out the window in exchange for some short term fun. She is very in touch with her feminine side and poises herself with grace and elegance outside of the nightlife scene. She can also tend to be covert out of habit, feeling the need to make sure her actions and true intentions are kept on the down low to avoid questioning. Bibi's wit is incredibly sharp and she is a strong believer of only dishing out what you can take. She refuses to soften the blow for more sensitive types, favoring honesty over emotional negligence.

As one would expect Bibi can be very competitive, often seeking out ways to gain the upper hand. She enjoys having power over people due to coming from a place where she was expected to conform and excuse the same kind of behavior. When it comes to karma, she's absolutely wicked. Part of her enjoys getting back at people a little too much and she finds immense satisfaction in seeing people get what they deserve, though she goes about it in an unusually lax "I told you so" manner. Bibi is nothing short of playful in situations like these, enjoying the tease and chase of those she's proved wrong. Strangely enough she doesn't have a very hard time admitting to faults of her own, but depending on the situation will either correct herself or acknowledge the fact she knows what she's doing isn't mature instead of fixing it. If the circumstances call for her to lose the upper hand, Bibi has a much harder time letting go.

Design Notes
  • Often changing her hairstyle, enjoys wearing it up
  • FC/Modeled after Hazel Scott
  • Slender but strong, broad shoulders and hips
  • Huge on Hollywood glam fashion, loves dressing up
  • Has a large array of hair ornaments, mainly florals but occasionally dabbles in bows and silk
  • Creole, family has Caribbean and French roots. Her mother can speak French but not much, didn't bother to teach her daughter
  • Can get strangely competitive, often holds her hard work and success over peoples' heads
  • Can will Tex's changes whenever she likes (except during a full moon) loves to mess with him
  • Is the only one able to understand Tex when he's fully shifted, to everyone else he just sounds like an animal
  • SPITEFUL, ohhh so very spiteful. Loves to see the reaction of her handiwork

Voice Claim
Anika Noni Rose