


6 months, 22 days ago



Lumbricina, the deity of rot and decay. She consumes, and consumes, without room for regrowth in the way. The world is best dug in two, then moving onto the next. 

She doesn’t hate the deity of flesh, Thalamus, even if he hates her. His regrowth gives her new things to feed upon, to consume and leave nothing left of. But this leads often to their fighting.
So, if he wishes to race, she will consume the world before he can absorb it into one being.
After being fought and kept at bay by The Hero, Lumbricina learned more about the value of life. Of allowing things to regrow and die naturally, to be consumed by rot in a balance.

A balance.
She enjoyed the idea of a perfect balance, and decided that it was better than seeking new worlds every time she consumed until nothing remained. And perhaps, find harmony and care in the beings that would eventually become apart of her decay.

She is more understanding than Thalamus in the regard of allowing things to be natural. He still wishes to absorb things, where as she has mellowed more-so, but the two occasionally work together in the world.

- She loves worms, vultures, and other creatures that eat debris. They are a lot like her.
- ...She has destroyed several worlds. Not intentionally, but due to her endless hunger.
- Lumbricina worries about those ‘other dangers’ that have been spoken. Now that she has a world she intends to keep, it is bothersome that it is in constant danger.