WOAH didn’t realise you had a fav 4 fav thing until now!!! faved a lot that I genuinely liked in return for the sub (thank you!!!♡)

faved 16!!! please fav only those that you genuinely like, thank you sm !!!  :)

Of course and no problem! I went ahead and faved some of your cuties!!

faved 21

could u do anyone in there




Thank you very much!


faved 40 ^^

you can fav anyone here > https://toyhou.se/BBQsalmonPizza/characters <3




Faved 14! You can fav anyone here! Tysm! 



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Done and of course!

Faved everyone in priority and the subfolder! Also subbed. Please fav my IC and any others you like

Sorry if this is a dumb question but what does IC stand for? :0

In character :)

Did you one better and faved everyone. ;)


You forgot to sub


Doing sub for sub

Corrected! :))


Faved back! 

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Faved everyone in mains!! my pref is IC being faved and anyone in foursonas .. I’d also like soda and lucifer too (in ocs)

(I might come back and fave more later!!)

I went ahead and faved all of your characters lol

ILL FAVE more of urs then!!

Thankies <33

done :3

faved everyone! idm who you fav back,,

Faved everyone back. :))

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Done!! <33

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faved 8! and if possible, please fav all the babs from here ^^ (if all 8 are already faved, then feel free to fav anyone else in my forever homed folder)

Thank you and done. <33