Kotze's Comments

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sure do whatever~

I appreciate the fav

is he for offers?


anyone in my TH interest you for a trade?

i oculd totally do either of them! which ever you like

the wolf boy! :3

Hey! Is there anyone in my toyhouse that interests you for this bab?

no, I'm sorry m. no catch my eyes

Anyone in my TH interest you?

sorry, no one does not catch my eye

Okay, no worries!

Hey, does anybody without a star (⭐) interest you in my th ? 

sorry, nothing does not catch my eyes

no worries, thanks for looking. I could offer art too but I only have two examples on my th at the moment

hello! i really love this guys design, anyone in my th interest you? I can also offer other currencies or art ^^

awww i’m sorry i’m really attached to my mains ;-;

it its nothing im in to/ catch my eyes. im sorry.

aw it’s alright <3