


5 years, 10 months ago


Orientation: Lesbian

A lone wolf warrior filled with unwavering resolve and a bitter disposition. Historia is not one for idle chatter, very rarely speaking to anyone outside of sparce trips to small villages for supplies before returning to her hunt. She cares very little for connecting with others, preferring to keep her thoughts to herself, and comes off as mysterious and dangerous to commonfolk who happen to catch a glimpse of her. Always with her axe at her side, Historia radiates strength and singlemindedness to accomplish her task; finishing the hunt. Before she was a huntress, she was a sickly hand maiden in love with the crown princess of Celanis she served. But a horrific dragon killed her beloved, and in desperation, Historia made a deal with a witch for health, power, and the promise to not rest in death until she slays the beast that murdered her lover. Upon accepting the deal, Historia was gifted with infinite opportunity to fulfill her desire of slaughtering the monster. Each time Historia died, she'd be resurrected and restart her hunt from the beginning when the deal was made, repeating the same timeloop again and again. Her prey has won each and every time, sending Historia decades back to the start, but with each death the huntress grows only more determined. In this current timeline Historia has taken to make a small, fragile alliance with Tybalt and his army for the sake of information and supplies, but the two are hardly on friendly terms. It is merely an arrangement of convenience. Historia doesn't care for the Flamesborn line or the controversy intertwined with it, her only goal is revenge. Only when the dragon is slain will the timeloop break and Historia can finally rest, having exacted retribution on her lover's killer. But until that time, Historia remains on the hunt.

Main Class: Warrior