oleander'paw [er].'s Comments

Is this character still available?

hi!! they’re currently on hold! :3

If the hold falls, please let me know :D 

HIII could i hold them for the flatprice with swansnicker? :00

of course!! would it be the same date? :3

yes, if thats all good with you!

absolutely!! thank you so much :3

Lmk if the hold ever falls hehe

HI!! unfortunately the hold did end up falling through 💔 the sucker is flatpriced at 70!

Could you tell me if they get taken off hold please ? It is okay if not!

hihi!! they might come off hold in a day or so! what kinda offer did ya have in mind? :D

I have a few character mutuals who might be interested. Would the bidding start up again as usual or are they flatpriced for the autobuy ?

they’d more than likely be flatpriced around the $65-75 range! :3

Oh okay :) !! I will definitely get back to you in the next few days. I have just spend hundreds on new ocs so I definitely have to think on it.

gotcha! thank you so much for your interest <33

1 Replies



AB on amino!

i love this oc what, r u taking trades or art or js money?

just money for now! :D

oki doo! lmk if u take trades then :0