


2 months, 13 days ago


Ludwig Toyhouse updated codes on xavier


Called ludwig lluthu

Gender male

Pronouns he/him


Race spirit

Role timekeeper & headmaster

Theme Insane

HTML Pinky


Ludwig Lluthu, the venerable timekeeper and head master of Septentrionalis. As the head of an organization dedicated to aiding others in both within and beyond the boundaries of Septentrionalis, Ludwig's influence extends far beyond the realm. His tireless efforts are a testament to his unwavering commitment to the point of driving him to overwork. Though, he was once disdainful of the dark circles beneath his eyes, Ludwig has grown accustomed to their presence, viewing them now as badges of honor earned through years of tireless dedication to his duties. Despite the burden they represent, his weariness is tempered by a deep-rooted sense of fulfillment.

But it is perhaps Ludwig's role as the controller of the day and night cycle of Septentrionalis that most clearly defines him. With each passing moment, he orchestrates the transition from dawn to dusk, ensuring that Septentrionalis remain in perfect harmony, despite the toll it takes on his own weary spirit.

Despite the weight of his responsibilities and the perpetual exhaustion that plagues him, Ludwig approaches his duties with a quiet determination and a steadfast resolve. His snarky wit and irreverent charm serve as a shield against the weariness that threatens to consume him, allowing him to soldier on in service to the greater good.

In Septentrionalis, Ludwig Lluthu stands as a timeless sentinel, a master of time and a champion of compassion, whose tireless efforts ensure that the realm continues to thrive, even in the face of eternal exhaustion.


Height 5'4

Build Ectomorph

Eyes Blue Green

Skin Tone Pale White

Hair Color Red

Hair Style Short Hime Cut

Demeanor Snarky


  • His birthday is at October 31, which is exactly at Halloween.
  • He has an older brother, Shura Lluthu. However, they have a complicated relationship.
  • He has many sides to his personality underneath his professional mode.
  • Despite his weariness, he harbors a secret love for coffee.
  • His hair turns white that fades to red during the blood moon; it turns black during lunar eclipse, which is his natural hair color.
  • Both him and his brother are cursed with forever nightmares.
  • When Ludwig cries, his tears are shaped like stars.
  • He lost count of the time he last slept.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Ludwig Lluthu possesses a multifaceted personality, blending depth, wit, and compassion in equal measure. In his role as the head master and timekeeper of Septentrionalis, Ludwig exudes professionalism and sophistication. He approaches his duties with a sense of gravity and commitment, ensuring that he fulfills his responsibilities with precision and care. Despite the seriousness of his role, Ludwig is known for his sharp wit and irreverent sense of humor. He uses sarcasm and clever wordplay to navigate even the most challenging situations, infusing charm into his interactions with others.

Beneath his snarky exterior, Ludwig harbors a deep well of compassion and empathy. He genuinely cares for the beings under his care, offering guidance and support with genuine warmth and understanding. Even with the complexities of his role and the challenges he faces, Ludwig maintains an unwavering optimism and belief in the inherent goodness of the world. He approaches each day with enthusiasm and sees every setback as an opportunity for growth and learning. Ludwig's personality is characterized by complexity and depth, with layers of emotion and experience that shape his interactions with others. He grapples with internal conflicts and struggles, adding depth and richness to his character. Overall, Ludwig Lluthu is a compelling blend of professionalism, wit, compassion, and optimism, making him a dynamic and engaging character within Septentrionalis.



Ludwig often enjoys a cup of freshly brewed coffee.


Ludwig has a sense of adventure and enjoys exploring other worlds outside Septentrionalis. He appreciates the simple pleasures of discovering new places amd experiences.


He enjoys their affectionate nature and playful demeanor, often finding joy in their energetic presence.


Ludwig enjoys experimenting with different styles, particularly casual goth attire, which allows him to express his edgier side.



With his boundless curiosity, Ludwig dislikes monotony and boredom.


Ludwig dislikes seeing others suffer unfairly.


He wants rest.


He places great importance on trust and loyalty in his relationships.



Iconic Line

"Oh? As for me, I'm Luverne. The head of the main organization here. Now if you excuse me...I have things to do."


Ludwig's overarching goal is to maintain balance within Septentrionalis. He is responsible for the regulating the flow of time and his duty is to also to protect Septentrionalis from threats like his older brother, Shura.


Craftsmanship: He enjoys the tactile nature of working with metal and the challenge of turning raw materials into functional or artistic creations.


Ludwig is exceptionally intellegent and possesses a keen intellect. Other than that, he was blessed with strong and unique abilities that's used for his job.



In the heart of Septentrionalis, a realm filled with wonders and unique beings, Ludwig Lluthu came into the world. Born beneath the shimmering light of the astral skies, his arrival heralded a new era for the realm and its inhabitants. Ludwig's childhood was marked by curiosity and wonder, as he explored the landscapes of Septentrionalis with wide-eyed fascination. From a young age, he displayed a natural affinity for the energies that permeated the realm, drawing the attention of its denizens and elders alike.

However, Ludwig's idyllic upbringing took an unexpected turn when tragedy struck his family. His older brother, the heir to the title of head master of Septentrionalis, fell gravely ill, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the Septentrionalis's future. As the next in line to inherit the mantle of leadership, Ludwig found himself thrust into the spotlight at a tender age, burdened by the weight of expectations and responsibility. As Ludwig grew older, the pressure to fulfill his destiny as the future head master of Septentrionalis weighed heavily upon him. He was subjected to rigorous training and education, honing his skills in magic, governance, and diplomacy under the watchful eyes of the realm's elders and guardians. Despite his natural talents and intellectual prowess, Ludwig struggled to reconcile his own aspirations with the demands placed upon him by his familial legacy. He yearned for the freedom to explore his own path and pursue his own interests, yet the looming specter of his brother's illness and the responsibility of leadership left him feeling trapped and suffocated.

A Soul for Another

In the dimly lit chamber of the Lluthu's home, Ludwig's mother stood before him, her expression grave as she delivered the news that would change the course of their lives forever."Listen carefully, Ludwig," she began, her voice tinged with urgency. "We have discovered the cure for your brother's illness, but it comes at a great cost." Ludwig's heart pounded in his chest as he listened intently, his gaze fixed on his mother's solemn visage. "The cure requires a sacrifice," she continued, her words hanging heavy in the air. "A soul, belonging to the same blood as your brother." Ludwig's mind raced as he processed her words, his thoughts consumed by the implications of what she was saying. A sacrifice? But who...?

"It must be you, Ludwig," his mother said, the look in her face seemingly dark. "You must share your soul with your brother to save him." Ludwig's breath caught in his throat as the weight of her words sank in. To sacrifice his own soul to save his brother... It was a daunting prospect, one that filled him with equal parts fear and determination. "But... what will happen to me?" he whispered, his voice barely audible above the hushed tones of the chamber. His mother's eyes unfazed by the look in his face, reached out to touch his cheek, her touch gentle yet firm. "You will fall ill, my son," she replied b;untly, her voice having no change in its tone. "Your body will weaken, and you will suffer. But it is the only way to save your brother." Ludwig's heart ached at the thought of the pain he would endure, but he knew that he could not hesitate. With a nod of silent acceptance, he steeled himself for what lay ahead.

Days passed, and Ludwig's condition worsened as he succumbed to the illness that ravaged his body. He grew weak and frail, his once vibrant spirit dimming with each passing moment. But amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope emerged. As Ludwig's soul began to merge with his brother's, a miraculous transformation took place. His brother's illness began to recede, his strength returning with each passing day.

And yet, as Ludwig's brother flourished, Ludwig himself remained unchanged. His body weakened, his growth stunted by the sacrifice he had made. In the end, it was a small price to pay for the life of his brother. And though Ludwig bore the physical scars of his sacrifice, his spirit remained unbroken, a testament to the depths of his love and devotion.


In the halls of the Lluthu's household, tension hung thick in the air as Ludwig and Shura stood face to face, their gazes locked in. The rift between them was palpable, a chasm born of years of resentment and bitterness. "Ludwig," Shura's voice dripped with disdain as he addressed his younger brother, his tone laced with contempt. "You always were the favored one, weren't you? The hero, the savior of Septentrionalis." Ludwig's jaw clenched as he fought to contain his rising anger, his hands balling into fists at his sides. He knew that Shura resented him, envied him for the abilities and accolades that had been thrust upon him from birth.

"You think I wanted this?" Ludwig's voice was barely a whisper, but it carried the weight of years of pent-up frustration and resentment. "You think I asked to be the heir, to bear the burden of responsibility that was meant for you?" Shura scoffed, a bitter laugh escaping his lips as he shook his head in disbelief. "Don't pretend, Ludwig. You may have been forced into this role, but that doesn't change the fact that you relish in the adoration and praise that comes with it." Ludwig's eyes flashed with anger as he took a step forward, his fists trembling with suppressed rage. "You know nothing of sacrifice, Shura," he spat, his voice raw with emotion. "You abandoned your duty, your birthright, leaving me to shoulder the burden alone."

Shura's expression hardened, his eyes blazing with defiance as he met Ludwig's gaze head-on. "I will not be shackled by the expectations of others," he declared, his voice echoing through the halls. "I refuse to be bound by the chains of duty and obligation." With those final words, Shura turned on his heel and strode away, leaving Ludwig standing alone amidst the fading echoes of their argument. And as he watched his brother disappear into the shadows, Ludwig knew that the responsibility of caring for Septentrionalis would forever rest upon his shoulders alone. He stood there, his heart heavy with the weight of their unresolved conflict. He had hoped that this conversation would bring them closer, that they could finally mend the rift that had torn them apart for so long. But instead, it only served to deepen the chasm between them, leaving Ludwig feeling more alone than ever.

As he gazed into the empty space where Shura had stood only moments before, a wave of emotions crashed over him. Anger, frustration, sadness – they all swirled together in a tumultuous storm within his soul. "Why can't you see, Shura?" Ludwig whispered to the empty air, his voice choked with emotion. "I never wanted any of this. I did it for you, because you're my brother." But his words fell on deaf ears, lost in the vast expanse of Septentrionalis. Shura was gone, leaving Ludwig to grapple with the bitter aftermath of their argument. And as he stood there, lost in the depths of his despair, Ludwig realized that he would have to shoulder the responsibility of caring for Septentrionalis on his own. It was a burden he had never asked for, but one he would carry with him for the rest of his days.





Shura Lluthu

Older Brother

"I recommend not to get in any sorts of business with him."



mother figure

"My mother figure. She taught me how to cook well."




"Strange individual...I haven't had him figured out yet..."

SrOeKjC.jpeg Tovyako

"We had a contract but it was fun working with him, suprisingly. Except Ado."

xpXk6Zw.jpeg Minsoo
some kid he found

"I wonder how's that kiddo doing?"

GlSDtlR.jpeg Xunin

"Sometimes questionnable but he's a decent person to work with."

E5mIgwd.jpeg Valentin

"He's good at what he does."