Hanako (Comfort-Sona)



Hanako Kita
Name Meaning: 'Flower Child - North'

Hanako is a lithe, pastel pink hued three tailed kitsune with darker tipped ears and tail tips. He has a lighter pink underbelly that stops before his fluffy furred neck and darker pink hued eyes. Mask is NOT OPTIONAL unless specified! Three golden bells are tied to each tail, one bell per, and jingle whenever he moves. A Sakura Kitsune mask covers his face in both human and fox form with a smaller, pink cherry blossom flower attached to the side of it. Known to mostly just control plants but can however control basic fire magic such as foxfire and will-o-wisps.
Very feminine despite being male, doesn't mind being called a woman as he is usually mistaken for such due to his feminine shape and nature of his personality.

Note: Mask can be drawn HOWEVER as long as it is fairly simplistic and pink as well as covers his face! The flower-themed mask isn't his only one, it's just the one he uses the most!
He is heavily based on Japanese Cherry Blossoms and is associated with them as well.

Animation meme - https://youtu.be/k1fhosnnGLI


From what is known, Kitsune masks signify importance or hierarchy. Hanako was born with his mask and kidnapped at a very young age so he does not know this nor does he know that both of his powers are not only given to nobility and important foxes but inheriting two powers is even rarer.  It is likely assumed that our fox-boy is of some great use to whatever place, be it village or small town, he came from. However this also depends on how well others know of Kitsune culture since they are difficult to locate and even more difficult to find in any congregated setting. Known to be solitary, or perhaps having max groups of maybe two or three, a village or town of purely Kitsune is very difficult to come by. In order of power and importance, both fire and plant/geomancy are within the same ranking for the pure reasons of life and death. Fire is known to destroy and plant life normally signifies life. Due to the chaotic nature (not evil) of the Kitsune they heavily believe in the power and ways of life and death. Normally the leading pair of a group of the fox people, if not always, consist of a bonded pair of Fire and Geomancy/Plant magic. Down the line is then water, electricity, ice, and the most common being wind or powerless. Contrary to what one may assume, fire is very difficult for a Kitsune to gain for it's magical prowess. Normally those who utilize Water and Electricity are not 'common-fox' but moreso something along the lines of dukes and duchess' below the bonded pair of Kitsune. The bonded pair are never referred to as 'King and Queen' or normal namesakes ones would use. Instead they are referred to as 'the bonded.' They are rarely spoken of separately, once again due to the belief that good and evil as well as life and death together are balanced.

Keeping mostly to themselves, as stated above, Kitsune are relatively solitary. Normally keeping to pairs of two or three with their children. It is actually not uncommon for those other than the bonded pair to have more than one mate. Though at the same time there is normally, in such cases, only three to a common pair. Never does it go beyond three. What is known, and called, as 'foxspeak' normally consists of a lot of clicks, hiss-noises, and hard stops within the native tongue. From what little is picked up on it has been observed that the words change depending on the 'gender' of the said word. (Think how french use 'cher' for males and 'cherie' for females.) For instance, feminine terms tend to hold more hissing sounds in it while masculine terms have an almost growling tone to them. Many of the words themselves seem very fox-like, hence the given name used for the Kitsune's native tongue. Their language also majorly consists of a way of speaking that rarely causes the lips to draw back, this is to be assumed to be due to the fact that when Kitsune speak in their fox form they do not have lips and therefore cannot pronounce many things that humans or other species can.

Unlike other species, Kitsune also count in eights due to having four toes on each paw, the dew claw is not counted. Ex; Instead of using 10 - 20 -30 Kitsune instead use 8 - 16 - 24 and so on. In very rare occasions one may find a monarchy of sorts filled with Kitsune, though in most cases a congregation of the species rarely consists beyond a small town or large village. They are also rather against outsiders, especially those who do not respect their ways, and have been known to turn hostile to visitors who turn their nose up at how they live and do things. It is not uncommon for Kitsune to suddenly turn immediately angry towards an outsider who had asked a simple question towards their god, as they are rather religious.


Hanako was born into high nobility of a tribe he unfortunately has hardly any memory of. As a child, he was kidnapped due to his value (to have two powers is a rarity), and suffered a bludgeon to the head. Whether an external threat forced the kidnappers to abandon Hanako or the young kit managed to use his power in some way, Hanako was able to escape the captivity of the bandits. His amnesia from the bludgeon hit means he has no memory of childhood events, and has a large amount of difficulty retaining new memories, such as the location of the Shrine he is supposed to be guarding.

Hanako is a general sweetheart by nature, his amnesia meaning that he holds no bitterness as a result of childhood events. He is very caring and sympathetic, and can be described as motherly. Hanako is essentially a pacifist, and avoids conflict where he can. If a fight is inevitable, Hanako rarely shows ferocity and usually acts in self defense.

Being a kitsune naturally enhances Hanako's senses, adding to his already intuitive nature. As mentioned, Hanako is very motherly, and very protective of others as a result. He sees everyone equally, and will willingly assist anyone who approaches in need of his aid. The powerful combination of fire and nature makes him a formidable opponent whenever he does have to fight, and makes him an effective guardian.

Unfortunately, Hanako's amnesia means he struggles to remember new memories, including new bonds and friendships, and can therefore become very lonely at times. His enhanced empathy (enhanced by nature) means he sometimes he accidentally "absorbs" the feeling of another. Ex. They feel sad, and so will he, and this can prove irksome at times. His reluctance to fight others can also prove costly if it is a life or death situation.


Bonded to Koi, they be gay beans <33

Ilovehimsomuch <33