
silly man I saw in a dream, he scares me, feel free to bully him.

he looks like a really fluffy kitten but he's actually some kind of interdimensional being that can jump between different dimensions and uses his weird planet space powers to mess with people in the third dimention.

he/it, technically he's genderless but he just feels like a he/it y'know

If I ask you to draw this guy 1. I'm sorry and 2. Good luck lol

• The planet is optional. It looks like saturn but has 2 very fast spinning rings that glow very brightly. The planet itself also spins, though the planet and rings all spin in different directions. The speed of them spinning is intentionally fast to disorientate people. 

• The planet can change size, it can be small and next to Saturn or it could be big and he could be standing on it etc. have fun with that info

• he's a dilute tortie with the karpati roan pattern (Finnish mutation specifically, not salt & pepper). Feel free to simplify him a little but please keep him recognisable, the simplest he can be is just grey with some lighter spots + the black stripes must always stay the same (back, tail and leg stripes can be changed so there's more/less, tail and ear tips + face stripes must stay the same though. His black stripes should blend softly into his lighter fur). His pale ginger spots must always be present and must stay in the same places, they can change shape very slightly though.

• Big round eyes with tiny pupils, the orange ring around his pupils is not optional. Probably doesn't blink much, doesn't smile much either tbh.

•  He's smol and very fluffy, the edges of his fur should kind of blur into the background or glow slightly if that makes sense. He should either be drawn lineless or with a lighter/coloured outline (if he's outlined then just ignore the glowing fur thingy)

• pale pink peets and nose

• Pallas' cat mixed with domestic cat vibes, medium-sized fluffy tail, small and kind of rounded ears, little legs

• when he's not screwing with people's minds he's probably just floating in a dark void, just vibing ig