Milkyway's Comments

yo mama


hi there !! :D is this bab also part of your purge? you didn't mention them as being off limits in ur ad but i just wanted to make sure ;;;
if they're ufo, what would you be looking for primarily? i imagine theyre probably tent so ^^

hihi! she is but i am def extremely tent on her 😭 really just seeing what people would offer

most likely ill consider is maybe a sell or a trade thats worth the same as her : D

YEAH LOL 😭😭 since they're in ur dreamies folder i imagined they would be EXTREMELY tent so no worries !!

what would be the AB (or like, rough price if you dont have an AB in mind) you'd be lookin for in USD? i just wanna see if i can even afford them AHHAHA :,,,DDD

theyre worth around 270$ rn! currently has some pending arts too : 0

OMG okay that's way over my price range HAHAHA that's like 450 ish dollars in my currency 😭

milky is an absolutely beautiful character!! if they go to someone else im sure they're gonna love them so much :33
thanks for taking the time to respond to me !! n good luck with ur sales :D

yeahh i def spoil her too much! 😭 thank you so much! I honestly probably won't be trading her away anytime soon because of how much i spent on her and how attached i am >: 3

If they ever go ufo could you please ping me? :3 if not so sorry!!

sure! : D